Matt O'Keefe

Isn’t that life...

This one is a bit more psychological: drop all the self-deprecation. When you tell people who and what you are, they tend to believe you. So when someone compliments your looks and you immediately reject the compliment, that contributes to their impression of you. Don't do that. If someone compliments your looks or

As an alternative, I'm pretty sure ES File Explorer also handles zip files, as well as having many other fancy features like Dropbox integration and even an ftp server.

This also works on Kickstarter fundraising. The guy who set a goal of $10 to make potato salad ending up getting over $50,000 one dollar at a time.

How much could I make if I worked from a desktop?

Actually, I'd love to pad this list out more, but the truth is that Android tablet development isn't exactly as robust as other platforms. Just take a look at Facebook and Twitter. They were left off the list last year and they're still not on it this year because the tablet versions of those apps are generally

Tags only kinda clicked for me when I realized they could be folders without actually needing a file structure. Like I showed in the article, all the Blender guides got grouped together with the "blender" tag, but I never needed to navigate a file system to group them together. It's not for everyone, and if you're

haha, you still can!

Cats have zero fucks to give about stuff. Let us learn from the wise and lazy cat

Two things. One: On a personal note, this has done wonders for me. I could totally get into having cable, playing console games, traveling more than I do, or a bunch of other really expensive hobbies. But the times when I've been the most broke, I've saved way more money by paying no attention to those desires, or

For those who use an iPad or iPhone, Scrivener has an iOS version under development. It'll have fewer features, but used with Dropbox, it'll let you write on the go with automatic synching back to your Mac.

I'm not positive all of the time. I complain. I have gripes. I think everyone at Lifehacker does. That said, we just kind of focus on the good stuff. If it's not good, we don't share it. We only recommend things we think are great. It's kind of a version of "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it