Matt of Sleaford

This fact threw me out of the movie completely when I saw it on opening weekend. The movie was called “Top Gun,” and I knew the Top Gun school used F-5s to simulate MiGs during training exercises. So when Maverick went up against the F-5s in the first scene, I assumed we were already watching Top Gun exercises. It

Not to mention that the aliens don’t perceive time in a linear fashion. So if they made a mistake, they would already know it, Neil. Nyah!

You would think Gen and the accountants would be rooting for Team Cockroach to succeed. After all, if the point system is bogus and there is no way to achieve the Good Place, then they are all out of a job. Nothing to tally. Nothing to judge. And as we’ve seen with Janet, if something in the afterlife no longer has a

Adjusted for inflation, James Bond in the 60s comes pretty close.

Actually, that’s a pretty popular interpretation of the end. A long, phallic object (the Discovery) ejects a small white cell from the tip (the pod), it enters the “Stargate” (obvious interpretation), where it’s deposited in a “womb” (the hotel room), gestates, and becomes a baby (the Starchild).  Bowman even makes an

So are all the reviews of Disney films from now on going to be from the perspective of how they fit into Disney's corporate culture? It's already becoming repetitive, and not terribly original. 

Raven, with guest co-vocalist Udo Dirkscheider of Accept, and their cover of Born to be Wild.  It’s break-neck metal at its most break-neck, and if you’re not laughing hysterically by the end of the song, I don’t know what to say. 

Hepburn is magnificent in this, but the one aspect where I think Monroe would have been better is the “Lula Mae” backstory. Hepburn is so poised and sophisticated that I never bought that she was able to create Holly out of a dirt-poor child bride (even though that’s also kind of the plot of My Fair Lady). Monroe was

The story may be apocryphal, but during the Lord of the Rings craze of the late 60's, the Beatles were supposedly approached to do a musical version, with John Lennon playing Gollum. That’s the movie Colbert should make next, using his ersatz Fab Four for the roles.

Or the Riddle Master of Hed, or the Wizard of Earthsea, or Elric, Corum, Hawkmoon......

The episode where Heather butchered the pig to impress the district superintendent (and her class crush) was the best one of the season. She was terrific.

This reminds me of Walt Simonson’s iconic stint on Thor. Marvel was ramping up to its first big crossover event, Secret Wars, but Simonson didn’t want it to affect anything he was doing in his ongoing Thor arc. So he came to an agreement with the Marvel brass. He left 4 panels blank in one issue of Thor, and otherwise

My theater had the exact same reaction. And then, when there was no “teaser” post-credit scene (the usual one after the initial credits before all the technical stuff), people started to get really anxious.

“You can’t come in here dressed like that. These men have taken a vow of celibacy. Like their fathers before them.”

The ongoing product placement gag in the otherwise awful Return of the Killer Tomatoes. Decades before shows like 30 Rock did it.

Disney should have done a Rocketeer crossover with the third season of Agent Carter. It’s a natural.

I’m still waiting for Lucifer to come to the same conclusion that virtually every other piece of popular entertainment about immortals (and, frankly, Pierce) has. Namely, that Lucifer is not human. We’ve seen that though Chloe makes Luci vulnerable, he won’t permanently die even if killed. Any human with which he


Isn’t Smith stowing away because he’s trying to sabotage the Robot? Or was that only the 90s film?

If you want to get technical, mechanical failure probably goes back to Icarus using substandard wax on his wings.