Matt of Sleaford

This does seem to be another in a long line of "things that Americans have enjoyed for over a century now suck" articles. But there's a reason these things have literally "passed the test of time." I enjoy new food trends as much as anyone. But I also know a passing fad when I see one.

I know a lot of folks are upset about the way things went with Lord and Miller. But when you read stories of the way the movie was going, you can't help but wonder how pissed they would be if Han Solo had been turned into a clown. True, these are rumors and we may never see what L&M were really up to. But hell hath

And by a weird coincidence, her husband cheats on her with her best friend in both.

I keep remembering the fan community reaction to Iron Man 3 (especially the Mandarin) and thinking, do you guys really want a director that's going to go in a "fresh new direction?"

The Hash House a Go Go chain out of Vegas (which specializes in "way too much food" dishes) has a tenderloin sandwich where the cutlet is, no lie, about 5 times the size of the bun. It almost looks like a fried egg with the bun as the tiny little yolk.

The most depressing thing about Fargo's ending is that even if the 3 DHS officers come in and haul Varga to Riker's, there's no guarantee he isn't sprung later after Gloria returns to Minnesota. Ray only got probation and who knows if the accessory to murder charges would stick. The only definitive ending would have

Katie Lee's recipe on Foodnetwork is virtually foolproof. You fry the chicken to get it crispy and then put it in a hot oven to dry it and finish the interior cooking.

BTW, your comment leads me to believe you may be trying to make chicken tenders. Gots to have the skin.

Fried pork tenderloin sandwiches used to be a staple at the drive-ins in Indiana. Right there with the burgers. I had totally forgotten about them until I went to a diner in Florida that specialized in drive-in food. One of the best sandwiches I've ever had.

That was my contracts professor's favorite case. He knew the cite by heart.

I shudder to think what would have happened had the internet been around when George Lucas announced that Richard Marquand was directing Return of the Jedi.

I think Tombstone (or maybe The Doors) was the moment when most people discovered that Kilmer had real acting chops. I'm just saying that Willow may have been the first inkling of that, and Howard was his director.

The problems with Willow weren't in the direction. There were some fundamental script issues that direction wasn't going to fix.

And Howard was able to elicit Val Kilmer's best pre-Tombstone performance, which, it must be said, wasn't that far removed from a certain roguish smuggler.

David Chase: "I'm going to write the most ambiguous ending in TV history!"

Noah Hawley: "Hold my beer…"

"So, Millennials, you've never had a Big Mac? You will….oh, you will…."

Speaking of which, why hasn't someone made a fortune producing a simple Bluetooth game control so you don't have to use the fucking touchscreen controls?

ETA: Oops. I somehow missed that Sega plans to do exactly that. Carry on.

Except by all accounts George Lucas hated that line with a passion. Had the director not been Irvin Kershner, whom Lucas hand-picked and greatly respected as one of his instructors at USC film school, it's almost certain that line wouldn't have made it into the movie.

Or a Black Lectroid from Buckaroo Banzai.

I want to make sure I have this straight. CBS wants me to pay $5.99 per month for this service, but then puts the only show on it I remotely care about on hiatus for two months right in the middle of its first season. Yep, the math checks out.

I know the Doctor's point was that he could regenerate. But the reason the previous gatekeepers had only had limited success was that they got killed quickly, not that they had short lifespans. By taking a platoon of trained soldiers, they could hold out for a few hours, if not days, which would keep the gate safe for

For me, the thing that screwed up the Pirates sequels was the way they made Sparrow a buffoon, instead of "a buffoon that's secretly smarter than everyone else." Jack and Will's theft of the ship in the first movie is one of my favorite scenes.