Matt of Sleaford

Rumor has it he really wanted to go TOS retro and CBS' pushback on that point is one of the reasons he left.

Rumor has it Chris Pine is trying to leverage his star-making turn in Wonder Woman to get a cameo.

I'm sensing that GRRM's and the show's ultimate theme is that by the time we get to the endgame, the point of the ultimate winner will be moot.

I've seen 3 of these acts: Talking Heads, Ramones, and Nirvana.

It would definitely be Freddie Mercury and Queen for me, mostly because I had multiple chances to see them at their height and never did.

A friend of mine was watching Song Remains the Same at a midnight show when a stoner behind him shouted out, "Here's where Page goes to the bow!" I've never forgotten that and it cracks me up to this day.

Consequently, when Nigel Tufnel pulled out the violin and dragged it across his guitar strings in Spinal Tap, they

"Dracula Untold will be the grand unveiling of our shared monster universe!"

(Looks at boxoffice for Dracula Untold)

"The Mummy will be the grand unveiling of our shared monster universe!"

(Looks at boxoffice for The Mummy)

"The Bride of Frankenstein will be…."

There's a fun "This is SportsCenter" ad where Steph is flattered that the cafeteria staff named the "Chicken Curry" after him.

The Orville, the ship from Seth MacFarlane's new sci-fi comedy, looks a lot more like a running shoe than either the TV or movie versions of the Heart of Gold. Since MacFarlane is a sci-fi fanatic, I'm sure it's intentional.

I bought the first American edition of the novel with money I had left over on a Waldenbooks gift card (I spent most of it on The Art of The Empire Strikes Back). Read it and instantly loved it. Even got a letter printed in an issue of Starlog singing its praises.

Every iPhone I've ever owned has had "Don't Panic" in

There's a great story, probably apocryphal, that Luke and Owen Wilson are largely responsible for Monty Python coming to America. Their father was the manager of a local PBS station in Texas and got all kinds of stuff from the BBC to review for inclusion on the station. He watched the Python tape and didn't "get it'

That's my favorite joke because it took me so long to get it. One day it just clicked, and I laughed for half an hour.

It's funny, I remember the dawning realization of how bad it was (Art Carney?), but still really enjoying the cartoon with Luke and Boba Fett.

I was 13 when Star Wars came out, so I was right in the crosshairs. I remember a daytime talk show showing the Falcon's escape from the Death Star, then buying the book and being blown away that that wasn't the climax of the film. I saw it in the theater not long after that and probably saw it at least 4 times that

Liam Cunningham's brief voice over sounded just like Liam Neeson. For a moment there I thought….

I thought of that very thing. When Lucifer and Amenadiel couldn't instantly tell whether Johnson was really "God" or not, I thought maybe there are other celestial beings moving around undetected. And Ella as Azrael makes perfect sense.

With American broadcast television going more-and-more to the limited number of episodes model, I wish it would also adopt the BBC model of individual seasons (series). When they filmed this cliffhanger, they hadn't been renewed yet. It was entirely possible that Jake's "cool, cool, cool…" could have been the end of

I'm really hoping Azrael shows up in the season finale to retrieve her blade. That thing can't hang around on Earth much longer.

I loved Amenadiel's smug satisfaction that he has the Detective Douche Seal of Approval over Lucifer.

Now that Amenadiel knows he's God's favorite son, that puts a bit of a crimp in the whole "kick Dad's ass and take over Heaven" plan, doesn't it?

I'm hoping Carol Anne loses the DA election (maybe to her co-counsel) because Larry Henderson went free, and she comes to Josh for work.

I was enjoying seeing Capaldi engaging in more traditional Who adventures. And Pearl Mackie is turning out to be one of my favorite companions. But I guess I couldn't expect Moffat to stay away from the too-clever-by-half-overly-serious-save-the-world puzzle box for long. A shame.