Matt of Sleaford

If nothing else, watch the pilot two-hour episode. You may feel lost by all the plot threads, and some of the weirder shenanigans don't start until later in season 1. But the "vibe" of the series arrived fully formed.

And don't be surprised if, like potato chips, you can't keep yourself to just one.

I had forgotten how much of a crush I had until she reappeared on the Psych tribute to Twin Peaks. She's still got it. Boy, has she.

I think if you approach it as a sequel to Twin Peaks, you may be disappointed.

But if you approach it as a new 18-hour-long David Lynch movie that happens to have some of the same characters as Twin Peaks, you'll be very happy.

Sorry. Didn't know next week's teaser constituted a spoiler.

I own the Blu-ray. My wife still leaves the room when she knows the Cat Bus is about to show up.

Hey, I've seen Zotz! I was home sick with strep throat and it was on the afternoon movie. I remember almost nothing about it except for the fact that Tom Poston said "Zotz!" and weird things would happen.

I will admit it's so obscure that I had begun to doubt that it existed until TCM showed it as part of a Castle

The creators weren't expecting to get an expanded season order and it shows. In a good way. These last couple episodes have really become looser and more Devil-May-Care, if you'll pardon the expression. And next week, we get to meet God, as played by Lassie. Good stuff.

Alison Becker will always be Shauna Malwae Tweep to me. Even when she pops up in commercials.

But then he's willing to let Trixie learn how to drive in the 'Vette. The Devil's motivations truly are mysterious.

I thought it was interesting when Maze threw her arm around Chloe at the registration desk. Chloe grabbed Maze's fingers to perpetuate the "illusion"….but then didn't let go. They might never admit it, but they are bonding nicely.

I can tell by your shiny retinas that you know exactly what I'm talking about.

No, I'm specifically talking about the little mysteries and throwaways in an original that were meant to give flavor to the backstory, but never meant to be explained (much less turned into their own movies). Like the Space Jockey in Alien or Leia's reference to the Clone Wars in Star Wars.

I strongly suspect one of

I've got another checklist (for reboots/sequels/remakes): Explains things from the original that didn't require explanation? Check. Pumps up the action to 11? Check. Makes everything 80% louder? Check.

If you're looking for the "sneaky lethal gin drink," may I present the Singapore Sling?

I see what the author is getting at, but if you're not looking for that juniper taste, why go for gin at all? As stated, there's no rule about what the root liquor has to be. So why not just find a vodka/whiskey/tequila, etc. that includes the flavors you want, rather than trying to shoehorn a gin in there? "I just

I find that vodka martinis can be forgiving if not perfectly made. Gin, not at all.

The one problem with your analysis is that by all accounts Burnett, who was the consummate professional, detested the cast breaking character as much as Lorne Michaels did. But also because she was not an idiot, she let it slide for the good of the show.

One other lesson SNL failed to learn from The Carol Burnett Show:

Don't you mean another CGI Leia?

I've said it before: Debra Winger. About the same age. Raspy voice. Did the voice of E.T. so she's got fanboy cred.

That's why I said it was believable for the store not to have a plan. But when the individual employees start throwing out: "You have to stand in a doorway;" "No, that's earthquakes;" that's where they lost me a little bit.