Matt of Sleaford

So would the whole ownership of Mars angle. But I guess they skipped that, as well.

"See, it's like oil. But the Jedi have to drink it in order to use their Force powers."

"Now I get it!"

Totally missed the boat on Florida. 'Gator is fine if it's not overcooked.

Fried mullet roe, on the other hand, is the meal of the damned. Even Andrew Zimmern could only choke down one bite of it, and even then he retched.

To paraphrase Mark Twain, the Sci-Fi series got the words, but didn't get the music. At least Lynch understood the mysticism and all-around weirdness of the story.

Like the one Sci-Fi attempted.

It was bizarre as hell, but the Lynch version is probably as successful an adaptation as we're likely to get. The importance of the spice is the central concept of the story. The many reasons the spice is so important takes too damn much exposition to fit into a film narrative. It's less a MacGuffin than an anchor.


Really. Most of authors that write these sprawling sagas come up with an idea, write the main narrative, finish it, and then spend the rest of their careers nibbling around the edges with minutiae set in their sandbox. Tolkien, Rowling, Herbert, etc. GRRM just decided to skip that bothersome third step.

"Hudgens in particular has her work cut out for her. The High School Musical star doesn’t have much of a comedy background"

There was a time not long ago when workplace comedies used to employ "normal" central characters as an audience surrogate around which the lunacy of the co-workers could swirl. Taxi, WKRP in

You would think the first time a holodeck character took over a ship, they'd rip the damn things out of every last one. "You'll get another volleyball court, and like it!"

This reminds me of the late 70s and early 80s cartoon trend of making the violence in cartoons "okay." Thundarr the Barbarian would only use his flame sword on robots. When a plane was shot down on G.I. Joe, you always saw the pilot parachute to safety. And so on.

Darkseid was actually introduced in the Jimmy Olsen series.

Whitby Abbey was one of Bram Stoker's inspirations for Dracula, and the Count arrives in England in the Port of Whitby. How cool would it be if PTA is actually working on a stealth version of Dracula with DDL as the Count?

Answer: Very cool indeed.

Now that you mention it, I do remember something about that. But wasn't it Lucifer who locked her into Charlotte's body? So if he's dead, is the curse still effective? Again, just a minor thing but it's fun to debate.

My favorite Milana Vayntrub moment was when she lost her memory and could only speak Russian. She was born in Uzbekistan, so Russian is probably her first language.

The MST3K guys were the source of the biggest laughs for me. They, along with Conor Leslie as the computer, were the reasons I stuck with it to the end.

Not only stunningly hot, but she has terrific comic timing. I remember thinking the actress Conor Leslie had a future even if the show did not.

I disagree. In the end, a plucky underdog beat a completely rigged system. Plus, she managed to figure out a way to do it again even after they mindwiped her. And it was Eleanor, rather than her "more intelligent" fellow victims. Given enough time, this show could turn into the classic sci-fi scenario where an

Random observations:

So I guess we're just going to set aside how Lucifer's mom ended up in Charlotte in the first place? As in, when her human host died, her spirit bounced into the dying body of another host. Why wouldn't that happen here?

LaToya touches upon it, but does Hell just run on autopilot now? After all,

But MODOK is a Marvel character!

They should put Cameron in charge of producing Game of Thrones. Between him and GRRM, they could push that puppy well into the next century.