Matt of Sleaford

She's also in Gotham, so if she's trying to avoid fandom, she's doing a damn poor job of it.

The best trick the Devil ever played was convincing 70s America that a lovable mensch was the "coolest" man on the planet. I love Henry Winkler.

Forget that new goofball. Dos Equis needs to get this woman on the payroll, stat.

Time to bring in Rob Lowe as….The Grinder.

I'm only half kidding.

The creators made an odd choice to place Zorn somewhere between bloodless Hanna-Barbera Thundarr the Barbarian/He-Man types and gore-drenched Heavy Metal characters like Den. The show could be much funnier if it went one way or the other.

I had resolved to pull this off my DVR list, but then I saw the headline of the

William's performance is to Bogart's as Leslie Nielsen's Dracula is to Lugosi's. Technically the same character, but that's about it. The movie is worth it to see Bette Davis as Brigid, though.

As fond as I've become of Chloe and Trixie (Dan can suck it), I think it's time to ditch the procedurals. Seeing the heavenly and infernal host chew the scenery it just too much fun.

I wondered that too. Aside from filling in plot for the audience, there is no compelling reason for the hosts to interact outside the presence of the guests. Yes, the guests could wander in on a scene, like the family did with Dolores painting. But as it played out, the chances of a guest ending up at Dolores'

The pilot held my interest, and was well acted and directed. That said, I see the premise as inherently limiting. We've come to see the robots malfunction and go berserk. It feels like that could sustain a limited series, but five seasons? The original film did the job in under 90 minutes. It's almost like if Juras

"It would have been so easy to simply toss buckets of blood on Campbell and write a different one-liner each week"

But they make sure to do that, too. So, bonus!

Now that they've established the Jacksonville connection, I'm requesting, nay, demanding an Ash v. Evil Dead crossover in one of Jason's flashbacks. Just a Bruce Campbell cameo will suffice. Hell, they clearly hang out in the same bars.

This far in and no one has said the Old Man and Ralphie from A Christmas Story? 1) Gets Ralphie a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas, 2) Saves Ralphie from the deplorable fate of wearing the bunny costume (a fact that disqualifies Ralphie's mom), and 3) Doesn't punish Ralphie for getting in a fight or dropping the

Rachel Dratch can't catch a break. Wasn't she also originally cast as Jenna in the pilot for 30 Rock?

Heck, the theme from the Fleischer Superman cartoons is better than what the DCU is using now.



Superman, thank God.


I mean, get him!

My favorite thing is that Crichton would get excited about some new scientific theory, then dust off one of his old plots to show off how much he knew about it. Jurassic Park is clearly a Westworld remake, but the novel has pages and pages explaining Chaos Theory. The "high tech theme park runs amok" was almost an

I watched it uncut on TCM not long ago and I was surprised to see an exposed breast on one of the "casualties" in Roman or Medieval World. Nothing quite like 70s PG (see: Run, Logan's).

Peter Jackson is on record as saying that the 1933 is his favorite movie and inspired him to become a filmmaker. I've always wanted to ask him, "if you were the same age in 2005 as you were when you saw the original, do you think you would have been patient enough to sit through all 2 hours and 45 minutes?"

Oh, no question. But then there's the matter of Medieval World. You can make a gun not fire at a human guest. How do you keep a guest from accidentally stabbing another with a sword? I love the movie, but it's pretty goofy when my preteen self could find the inconsistencies.

Even as a kid that bothered me. The guns were rigged not to shoot anything with a pulse, but there's no way to keep all the ricochets and broken glass from hurting guests. Don't even get me started on the dynamite they use in the jail break.