Matt of Sleaford

When I looked her up on IMDB and saw her with longer hair, for some reason she reminded me of Newt from Aliens. If they ever getting around to doing Blomkamp's sequel/reboot, they should keep her in mind.

I'm not completely certain, but I think ABC's streaming is limited to series that its own studio produced. That would also explain why series like Perception and Reaper are in the lineup, when neither played on the network.

I remember that thing. But it was so damn heavy, it was virtually impossible to get spinning unless you had at least a dozen kids to help. I never had that many friends.

I also grew up in the Midwest. Another fun thing was the ground freezing, which could push out the concrete into which the playground equipment was set, forming jagged little stone ledges around the bases.

I played goalie on my elementary school soccer team. Once, diving to stop a shot, my knee perfectly caught the

But then NBC News did an expose not long ago whether those shredded tire mulches are carcinogenic. You can't win for losing.

My grandmother lived across the street from a school who's entire playground, from the monkey bars, to the swings, to the merry-go-round, were on concrete. No dirt, no sand, no grass. Even as indestructible kids, we were kind of afraid to play there.

Apropos of nothing, the Saurian Brandy from the original series was served from a George Dickel commemorative powder horn bottle. They reissue them from time-to-time, so you occasionally have the opportunity to get one.

Maybe that's the Tribbles you'll actually have trouble with.

I was just about to comment on that. I think I actually had the Saurian Brandy, since that was the potable most often mentioned in the original series. I can't remember what liquor was in it, but it was suitably strong.

I haven't read the comic. And I've come around on the show. But "the greatest power in the universe" not working on deaf people? That's some Green Lantern-level silliness right there.

Yeah, throughout the series they've shown those vents around town that look like semi trailer exhaust stacks. I wonder just how far they go.

You could pretty much slap that in autotext and post it in every movie he's in. His Mike Brady is one of the greatest comic creations of all time.

I loved watching the outtakes from that scene and watching the kids looking up apprehensively every time they thought they'd gone too far. Which was pretty much every time.

"Yay! Two Christmases!"

It's just a trailer, but Ehrenreich does show more depth here than in Hail, Caesar! And I thought he was terrific in that. That Lord & Miller Han Solo film might be interesting after all.

It may be apocryphal, but I've always heard that Keith Richards prefers Devos' version to the Stones'. I know I've seen interviews where he admits he's never really liked the song much and doesn't know what everyone else sees in it.

Zeppo was considered by the brothers themselves to be the funniest of the four. Since he was the youngest, he used to compete for attention by learning the shtick of the other three. In one film, I think it's Animal Crackers, he actually takes Groucho's place in one of the scenes, and you can't tell the difference.

I had the exact same reaction. Looked her up and learned she had been a Playmate. Cuter with the dark hair, though.

Yeah, Cap has always been a contrarian. He's been an outsider in the Marvel Universe nearly as often as he's been part of the team.

I recall him fighting some super-powered government stooge in one issue when the stooge's handler called Cap's patriotism into question. He asked Cap whether he was loyal to the "United

When I was a kid, I was a huge Iron Man fan. This was when Herb Trimpe was doing the art so it was just a year (or decade) or two before the Downey film. When I played Iron Man, all I had was a pair of my dad's work gloves, which I pretended were Shellhead's repulsor gloves. I never once thought, "gosh, I'm sad I'll

There was also a Monkees episode where Mike ran against a corrupt politician who was being used by a developer to further a parking lot construction scheme. Mike gets a huge influx of campaign funds, but then realizes they all came from people working for the developer. In the end, Mike withdraws from the race, but