Matt of Sleaford

Actually, I think you're correct. It's been a long time since I saw it. It was the equivalent of Phil Collins' "If you told me you were drowning, I would not lend a hand."

This article captures the allure of that first season pretty well. But I'm surprised that it doesn't go into more depth of Sue's nasty speech to Richard when she got voted off. Aside from Richard being naked all the time, I think that's what people remember most about that season.

It's gotten even worse since then. My sister was a huge Survivor fan. She was on a shore excursion in some country in Central America (I think Belize, but I could be mistaken). The tour guide pointed out a field next to the road upon which their tour bus was riding and said that a Survivor season had been filmed

Maybe not a "classic," but I really dislike National Lampoon's Vacation. I had read the original John Hughes story in the magazine and loved it. It's a nasty little piece of work and funny as hell. Then the movie came out and turned it into a Chevy Chase muggfest.

I actually prefer the sequels, probably because

My favorite Snyder interview was Charles Manson. It was around one of the first times Manson was up for parole so he was on his best behavior. He gets through most of the interview and you begin to think, "so this is the guy that did all those horrible things?"

Then right at the end, Snyder asks congenially, "so

On the other hand, the day the Saturday morning preview TV Guide was delivered was Christmas come early. If I spent half the time on my retirement plan that I did breaking down which cartoon premieres I was going to watch the following Saturday, I would have retired when I was 12.

The weird thing is Hollywood's tendency to adapt the short stories into full length movies, regardless. You can kind of see how We Can Remember It for You Wholesale became Total Recall, but, sheesh.

Remember that the Umber refused to bend his knee or swear an oath. Ostensibly it was because he thought they were silly and likely to get broken anyway. But maybe it's because he actually values his oaths a great deal.

It's a Stark thing. He had to personally execute them, because that was Ned's way. Had they had time, he would have personally beheaded them.

But his time being dead showed him this all adds up to nothing. So his watch is ended.

"It also evokes a curious, magical time when Dan Aykroyd could be billed above Tom Hanks."

To be fair, Aykroyd is actually funnier in this film than Hanks. I don't remember much about this film, except that the big dumb 90s plot ends up ruining it. A film with just Aykroyd and Hanks doing the mundane stuff from the

I don't want this movie. We don't need this movie. But Disney didn't pay $4 billion to let these characters wither on old VHS tapes.

If it's therefore inevitable, at least make it entertaining. The combination of Lord, Miller and Ehrenreich at least gives hope it will be that.

Now we just wait and see if the next

Absolutely. TCM showed it a couple months back and Ben M did a tongue-in-cheek introduction about how "dated" it was. By the end, he'd pointed out that Rollerball was one of the most prescient sci-fi movies ever made. Megacorps control everything across borders and use bloodsports to pacify the population so they

Not to mention the fact that the tape Snake destroys at the end of Escape from New York was supposed to prevent Armageddon. I don't think Escape from L.A. even mentions it.

In his book Danse Macabre, Stephen King took the same position as Kael. He was making a point about the written word being a superior medium for ideas, but movies having the advantage in conveying emotion. I think he called the ideas behind Dirty Harrry a "mess," but said the movie has an undeniable impact.

"Cause [they] hit what [they] aim at."

Quark? Or Salvage I?

That's actually a great idea. I'd rather watch that than another straight biodoc.

Not only that, documents have recently come to light implying that his real name isn't even Ringo.

Except for the fact that John really liked Ringo's drumming and actually used him in his later solo projects.

(Of course John said it.)

I've always viewed this as two movies. Had Cameron stuck with the first, really good one about military guys going crazy underwater, the film on the whole would have been much better off. But then the aliens show up.