Matt of Sleaford

People complain endlessly about how many story beats TFA took from A New Hope. But when you think about it, only a remake would really satisfy the diehards.

I've got this theory that diehard fans don't really like the object of their adoration. They actually only "liked" what came in the past - or at least their

"Why would you do that?"

Because I'm Peter Jackson, dammit.

Barney Miller used to get a lot of shout-outs from cops for its realism, too.

Especially since the internet talks like Chandler.

(Kimmy Schmidt drive-by)

Zemeckis' Christmas Carol was better than it had any right to be, and the IMAX 3D was pretty terrific. Aside from a dopey chase scene in the middle, it's the most faithful to the story outside of the Alistair Sim version. I recall one scene in particular where Scrooge is looking in on some urchins peering through

I was extremely disappointed in the way they handled the Lightcycles. Though it was a limitation in technology in the original, the way they always turned at 90 degree angles was amazing. When the sequel changed it to just ribbons of light following regular motorcycles, it lost a lot for me.

With one caveat. The movie itself was terrible. But the sequence where Beowulf fought the sea monster was terrific. In IMAX 3D, both figures seemed to be suspended in space as they fought underwater. It's the one thing that has me excited for the Avatar sequels, because Cameron is on record that at least one of

I saw Cheap Trick around 84-85 in a really small club. I think they used about 75% of their stadium stacks because it was the loudest show I've ever seen. They unexpectedly played Reach Out off the Heavy Metal soundtrack and I was in heaven.

Interestingly, though the Addams were more overtly sexual, the Munsters were the first American television couple to sleep in the same bed.

I liked Addams Family better, but man, the Munsters had some badass wheels.

So, two questions:

1) Which country does Sweden declare war on first?

2) If it's the U.S., as I anticipate, does it happen by the end of the day?

The last time I had breakfast there, I was stunned how good the grits were. Paula Deen would have blushed at the amount of butter they put in there.

"You can be replaced, chickie baby."

"I don't care."

Again, no review of this movie is complete without mentioning Lee going into berserker mode after tasting his own blood. The look on Han's face says it all. He thinks he's got the kill shot, but then Lee's eyes get about the size of baseballs, and Han knows it's all over. Like Lee - often imitated, never duplicated.

He was also Bond's best American sidekick since Jack Lord. Played a nice kind of aw shucks deviousness. "He knows you're comin, Jimbo."

"And it's one of the few sports movies ever that had the guts to have the main team lose in the end." That's one of the main things that made it so great.

And their apology.

Except that Boyle gets the best line in the movie. Still the best baseball film ever made.

Hmm. Since they were heavily hinting at a Lacey-Middleman romance towards the end of the season, I would say she's more of a Catwoman. But who's Alfred?

Whoops. Didn't scroll down far enough. What he said.