Matt of Sleaford

Agreed that Bernadette's points weren't particularly relevant. But Howard's exasperated "I'm using my arguing voice but actually agreeing with you" was the only part of the episode I really liked. This show has really been circling the drain this season.

That has definitely been my experience.

My sister and I have continually used "Is it steeenky? Just how you like it!" to this day. Remarkably versatile.

The parallels between this and Community are quite striking. A mad genius uses a standard template to sneak subversive content right under the noses of his corporate overlords. But then gets fired when he pushes things too….far! No wonder I love both so dearly.

Just wait for the punch line: he stays dead until the cliffhanger at the end of this upcoming season.

When you think about it, this whole series is just a short chapter in a thousand year long story. So even the final victor in the "game of thrones" doesn't mean squat in the long run.

I've always had a theory that's a little far-fetched, but this episode didn't completely kill it. The "virus" didn't wipe out humanity. It put Tandy in a coma. And all this time he's been working through issues in his real life - Groundhog Day style - with the characters played by people he knows. The final

No, the worst storage media was 8 tracks, which often split songs right in the middle when they changed tracks. Their only saving grace was being able to load them in the car with one hand. Aside from that, your post is spot-on (and applies in spades to 8 tracks).

Maybe these days. But back in the day, they would pack stuff into vinyl albums. My Sgt. Pepper had cutouts, including a mustache. Elton John's Captain Fantastic was a treasure trove, including a poster and a comic book.

I don't think raw volume is a particularly good measure. It wouldn't be hard to pull 30 iconic shots just from those 10 Kubrick films. And they wouldn't have fat like Hook or Always (yes, I know you could do the same with a handful of Spielberg films). I would also throw in Hitchcock, which also has Spielberg beat

Stanley Kubrick would like a word.

But this shot also has the added bonus of being an homage to John Ford's The Searchers. Two birds with one stone.

The ultimate conclusion on Doctor Honeydew's "Science!" board sure looked like a dare, didn't it?

Get out of my head!

Though I'm happy to see The Chinese Boxer in this series, I sincerely hope we eventually do get a Bruce Lee flick down the line. As Tom mentions, Lee has often been imitated but will never be duplicated. Lee's shtick of going into berserker mode after tasting his own blood is still the baddest of all badass moves.

In a different show, I think they could have explored the two becoming romantic, without the relationship being immediately sexual. Each brings out things in the other that they didn't expect. They've hinted at that withPenny and Leonard, but never fully committed to it. Sadly, though, that would make it a much

The biggest missed opportunity on this show is that Penny and Sheldon have always had much, much better chemistry than Penny and Leonard. I acknowledge that putting them together would have completely derailed what they were trying to do long term. But it's scenes like this that make me wish the writers had been a

Discovery ejects pod containing Bowman which enters star gate. Star gate sequence represents conception, which ends with Bowman gestating in the hotel room. Then Bowman is reborn as Star Child.

Once Kubrick realized he might get away with a thinly-disguised sex scene in a G rated movie, he probably decided to push it as far as he could.

As I recall, Spartacus was Douglas' baby all the way. He used Trumbo in defiance of the black list and brought in Kubrick as a back up director after working with him on Paths of Glory.