I just replied to that with a thing about Purple Rain, did I do good?
I just replied to that with a thing about Purple Rain, did I do good?
Because I don't have much time to watch movies, I'm nominating something I already know and love, but which I think will promote some spirited discussion:
I bought em! We got early access because we jumped on the bandwagon (subscribed to the newsletter) so early! Thanks McElroys!
Yeah I did! I bet Griff freaked out!
You guys.
Watching it with Baby CZ really destroyed me. I'm getting misty eyed just thinking about it.
Cool! Glad you're on board! Hail To The Thief is worth a revisit also!
What made you change your mind?
Hey Gussie. Can you help me with something? I'm looking for a soul ballad which has a horn line that goes like this: https://pbs.twimg.com/media…
It's one of those lines that's both so generic it could be from anywhere, and so specific that I can't find it. Any clues?
It was very meanspirited and superscillious of me, and I'm very sorry.
Oh man! I'm SO sorry! I completely misread your comment and was a complete dick about it. (FWIW I read "having worked with him before on…", like an idiot).
Also Joe Swanberg had nothing to do with the Seimetz-directed Sun Don't Shine besides a stylistic debt.
You're probably thinking of Silver Bullets, which stars Seimetz and Swanberg and was directed by the latter.
Hey whatsup, Upstream Color is a Shane Caruth movie and I'd thank you not to tar it with the dreaded mumblecore brush, as it is SO MUCH MORE than that.
As Stingo and others point out below, there are certain tv shows or even episodes of shows where the show itself is asking the question, making the question both valid and interesting.
Oh ok. That makes more sense. I never really went off the show, but it did seem like they were ramping up Jess' crazy to a ridiculous pitch even in those early seasons. It sounds like that problem got worse instead of better.
I used to watch (and love) New Girl, but it kind of fell off my radar after the S3 premier (don't know why).
Did they replace Zooey with Megan Fox? Or did they just add a new character?
Oh, I forgot to add, my wonderful wife got me the Hamilton vinyl box set and also the Hamilton vocal selections book, so I spent a bunch of time listening to that and failing hopelessly to play the piano part to Wait For It.