
Can’t believe I had to scroll this long to get to Moulin Rouge!

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There are movie moments, and then there are movie moments.

If so, did it work for scales?

They patched the show after last episode and nerfed the ballistas.

So many of you are upset about the way Jamie and Cersei died together. But I’ve got good news-

Drogon’s been practicing his combustion bending.

Why did neither of them try spinning? That’s a good trick.

I posted it elsewhere, but it didn’t even feel like Hulk was in Endgame. We just had a green Banner.

Who wrote this article?  Hulk’s therapist?  Who gives a shit about Hulk being “thinking, feeling, articulate”? The best thing about Hulk is the fact that he’s a rage monster and goes off and smashes shit.

Counter-argument: Professor Hulk is fun for a few jokes, but ultimately boring because there is no longer any tension within the character. The struggle has been resolved, and without the struggle there is no drama. That’s fine for an isolated story, but greatly reduces his story potential in a serialized format. This

Only half the Dothraki...

I would have thought Varys respected intelligence in a ruler too much to think Jon Snow would be good at it.

Take your star!

Them: All I know is, if you’re gonna tell me that a child is going to travel the world for eight years training and learning to become a master fighter, I’ll tell you’re being ridiculous.

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Resolution doesn’t have a whole lot to do with it - streaming services generally will maintain 1080p while decreasing bitrate in times of congestion. So yeah, mix the idiotic decision to shoot the episode in shaky cam and extremely dark scenes with bad encoding and you have a recipe for the unwatchable garbage that we

I heard on a podcast that during shooting, Sean Astin asked the Helm’s Deep cinematographer Andrew Lesnie where the light was coming from, and Lesnie said “the same place as the music.”

I think Arya was able to stab the Night King in a small thermal exhaust port, right below his main port.

Season 8, Episode 3: “Plot Armor” dir. Miguel Sapochnik

Ayra basically was rolling high tonight and scored a crit success on her Sneak Attack on the Night King