
As a former USACE employee, and having worked in both real estate and contracting divisions, this is EXTREMELY WEIRD. The head of the contracting office was a very particular man and ALLLL offers had to come through the appropriate channels and make ALL of the rounds through Office of Council. If someone called

I wish we had more information on the patient as it would be pertinent to how this would legally play out. In Utah it seems that if the person is brought in for a DUI and has a valid drivers license that the patient has already consented to receive a blood test for the police?

Instead of people walking away it would be better to see them begin funding research into safer helmets.

We have a pretty good idea of what concussions and CTE are.

I don’t think I’ve ever heard of an “open rupture”. I have heard of complete and partial tendon tears. The term “rupture” is more commonly used in terms of the achilles tendon, but would just mean a complete tear. “Open” is more commonly used when talking about bones; an “open-fracture” indicating that the bone has