Matt Livingstone

I think you underestimate the rampant spread of misinformation and opinion disguised as information on social media, not to mention that algorithms in place to serve you more of what these platforms assume you like, which places users in a filter bubble where if they think trump is a racist misogynist (based on likes,

Season 19 was the best season. 18 was really good too. Really, South Park hasn't had an average season since 11 and 12.

It seems like an obvious nod to 28 Days Later, where the rage virus was often seen spreading through the vomiting of blood to become instantly infected, as is seen not just with Randy, but the faces of Sharon and Shelly.

Or calm and super smart. Yeah, I think calm and super smart.

Going to leave this meme I made here

No, your comment was just idiotic. I'd commend your efforts of trying to save face, but there obviously wasn't any effort.

It's like Walking Dead is being punished for not being total brain dead schlock like Z Nation and is also being punished because the creators aren't making schlock but they also aren't making great, timeless art. It's somewhere in between and there's nothing wrong with that.

Stupid people get bored easy. It's a symptom of stupidity. Your insecurities are apparent in each of your posts. Everything you say is engineered to build up your dilapidated ego. It's quite sad. It must be exhausting going through life having to prove yourself to everyone all the time. Maybe one day you'll be

Actually, my zucchini analogy is quite apt. You don't watch this show because it's so bad it's funny, you watch this show so you can go online and talk about how bad it is, which is like eating a food you don't like so you can talk about how awful it tastes. I appreciate a dose of watching good-bad shlock, however

You lack the ability to express yourself with precise clarity. Do you mean that I take this show seriously as great art, as scientifically accurate, or that I just don't view it as a comedy, or are you saying taking a show seriously means not hating it or liking it? 'take this show seriously' doesn't really mean

Breaking or taking a leader out, especially one which either controls its people through fear and intimidation or through respect and admiration, greatly changes the community. If a leader who is respected and admired and trusts by its people loses those things, they lose their power and what will ultimately follow

In the end, The Walking Dead is a show about life in a zombie apocalypse and, like basically every zombie movie ever there are only two outcomes: everyone dies, or the zombies are dealt with/plague runs its course. There really is no other way to bring finality to a zombie story. You kind of knew Breaking Bad would

I don't need to insult your intelligence when you voluntarily display your lack of it :)

While you're moving on from trite nonsense, I'm taking a break from it by watching The Walking Dead. I save my judging for more important and artistic works than a genre show like The Walking Dead ;)

So what I mean is the distinction will come in time. Negan is a very layered character and the best one in The Walking Dead, not simply as a villain, but as a person.

In the comics, Negan is constantly growing. He is one of the most intriguing villains in literature because of it. The Governor, as shown, would have just killed them all and taken their stuff, but Negan didn't. He and Rick ain't so different ;)

They break him by humbling him. They took away his power. When you're a leader, power and influence is all you have going for you, he's not just breaking Rick, he's breaking the entire community by breaking Rick. That's what makes it different.

Actually he CLEARLY throws it on the roof and you CLEARLY hear it clanging on the metal roof.

I focus on myself just fine :) In my spare time I like the try to guide the wayward ones.

At the same time those are the realities the the show presents. Breaking Bad went from baddie drug dealer to baddie drug dealer. Just the nature of the beast. Shows need conflict. Walking Dead is simply about a world with nothing BUT conflict, whether it's them versus nature, man, themselves, the dead, sickness,