Matt Livingstone

LOL people that use terms like fanboys are idiots. Just because I like a show, doesn't mean I'm a fanboy, nor does that mean I don't see anything wrong with it. But if I don't like a show, I don't continue to watch it and then complain about it: that's what idiots do. If you don't like it, don't watch, or you're just

You need a hobby.

I watch because it's a show I like.

They do have a balance between the two. You just can't see it because they're doing both at once. Amazing, that you can't even see what you're looking for!

Did Miss Debnam-Carey reject you out at a club one night or something? For someone you claim to despise, you sure seem awfully obsessed about spending a bunch of time talking about her. Sounds like unrequited love to me!

They were both drunks and it seems Troy has issues because his mother abused him and neglected him.

MDK, how the fuck do static images have goofy mannerisms, anyways? You say it's not working as intended, I say it is. Negan has goofy mannerisms because HE CAN. He doesn't need to act intimidating to be intimidating to his own people, and his numbers are intimidating enough to communities working for him, and it's

It's usually the husband/father that's a drunk, but, okay. It's far more common for the mother to be abusing meds or drugs in television and movies. In fact, it's rare women are accurately portrayed as alcoholics at all. Few films do it like Young Adult did.

It's been pretty much consensus that Daniel Salazar wasn't actually dead and would pop-back up again. Didn't surprise me, and not even close to a Glenn-like return…more like Merle-like.

huh? Every season of the Sopranos played straight through with no breaks until the final season. The last season had a break but it was also 21 episodes, only a few episodes shy of two full seasons. And it was a full year wait for the final 9 episodes, not a two month break.

Didn't like getting schooled, did you?

The episodes are meaningful because they are planting seeds. What do you mean 'we're watching now'? The new seeds ARE THE STORY PROGRESSION. What the hell story are you talking about? The story RIGHT NOW was about establishing Negan and in those 5 'filler' episodes it established The Kingdom and that they are under

As an artist, it's a bit of both. Sometimes when I tell a story, I intend to be more abstract to refrain from overlong exposition, and the easiest way to do that is to use some symbolism to define that which would otherwise need to be explained. There are other times where there is probably tons of unintentional


It all comes down to kids. She became cold and pragmatic to protect the kids at the prison, but the virus killed one so she took it upon herself to stop the virus. Then she found herself in charge of Lizza, Mikka, and Judith, and she let one die and had to kill the other. And then she wanted to protect Sam Anderson

"That's some serious condescension from a pretentious wanker that thinks
grammatical errors are orthographical. If you want to start
condescending on OPs here and trying to lecture them about your
(alleged) superiority, it fucking helps when you know what you're
talking about. #dunning-kruger"

The plot is moving forward. It's called planting seeds. Many things will come to fruition in the next 16 episodes based on things which happened in these first 8, and even before them. For instance, Eugene being taken was actually a seed planted in the Season 6 finale when Eugene gave Rick the recipe for making

It's real easy to copy and paste from wikipedia to prove a point, incorrectly. There is a real easy way to see whether it's a grammatical problem, or a spelling/writing. If you replace the wrong version of your with the right version without changing anything else, does the sentence still make sense? If the answer is

I will. I blame Twitter for lots already, so that's easy :D

Its not a defense to criticism. It's a defense for idiots like you who can't tell they were setting Spencer up for the fall and who go 'LOLZ RANDUMB!!'. They are adapting a comic book. Doing something that is from the source material is not 'random'. The fact that Spencer was unlikable was the entire point of the