Matt Livingstone

And yet the comics are the best they've been since that issue! Especially after this current arc. You made a bad choice.

I love people who hate a show and then waste hours and hours of their life not just watching a show they hate, but taking more hours of their lives complaining about how much they hate the show. They say the show is stupid. I think the stupid ones are them, because only stupid idiots voluntarily choose to watch

Those who can't write, criticize.

Enjoy Z Nation like a stupid idiot, you stupid idiot. It's the worst show ever made.

If you read the comics….you'll be sticking around for a while!

Shit. You're right. I've been wasting my life trying to bring social issues to light through art and expression. All I need is the expression. I don't even need though!

They already did that last season.

Hey there, Star Wars fans! We will make bad, unoriginal movies and you'll still buy a bunch of crap with Artoo and Chewbacca stamped onto it because you're all stupid idiot sheep. Did you love watching our new movie whose ending was spoiled in the first minutes of the original movie while cuddling with all your shitty

Your daughter has a mustache…what the hell's wrong with your ovaries bitch?

No, it was about the Chinese rigging the election for Obama in exchange for the rights to Star Wars, not about Star Wars itself rigging the election.

You took the long road to saying 'I'm an idiot'.

Yeah, I knew it would be shit. I ragged on it the second Disney bought. Turns out it was shit. I'd rather watch Jedi. I was hoping for an entirely new story in the same universe, but no, it was a turd reheated in a microwave.

Let me get this straight…it takes more imagination and creativity to write ten short stories than one big novel? And by 'one theme' do you mean a dozen themes? Because there are a lot more than one theme. I don't think you understand things. In fact, you clearly don't even know what a theme is.

They should have kept them looking like The Canadians of Europe. Nobody knows where Denmark is!

I would be ten million dollars you voted (or would have, if you weren't old enough) for Dubya…twice.

There is more to advancing the human race than Social Justicing, unless you think terraforming mars (what Cartman keeps bringing up) is social justice warrioring, then your post is incredibly short sighted.

I get that. I mean narrative wise. Who made them and what untimate effect will it have? Something like Leslie being an ad.

Making another movie isn't necessarily anything to do with nostalgia. Is Ouija 2 a product of nostalgia? There is making a sequel to further something, and then there is falling back on the past; Star Wars fell back on the past. A movie with new characters with a new plot in the existing universe wouldn't be based on

I never complained they destroyed my childhood with Star Wars. I'm not one of those idiots. The original still exists to enjoy, untainted. My complaint is it was lazy and crappy. The entire movie was 'Member New Hope?' instead of being a fresh slate. And now Rogue One is a pointless prequel to A New Hope. Spoiler:

Maybe, but jaded I am. I was a huge fan of Star Wars. I had dozens of books, almost the entire set of Kenner action figures, posters, and god knows what else…now I could give two craps about Star Wars. Outside of TFA, I hadn't watched one of the movies in at least five years.