Matt Linton

No problem. I think your questions are definitely valid from a creative perspective (and I suspect the writers will address them, in some way or another, as they're fodder for good drama/conflict). My issue is with the people who prejudge or dismiss the idea of the Doctor being a woman, rather than responding to the

"The Doctor has historically been an irascible loner who doesn't share well. Women generally (although not always) tend to collaborate better and be more expressive. That's why I think it will be more of a challenge for a woman to play that believably, although I'm willing to give her a shot."

The Doctor regularly enters situations in which no one takes him seriously and he bulldozes over them and/or is ignored until the situation becomes dire enough that they DO. I don't see that being any different with a woman Doctor. It'll be as much of an issue as the writers decide they want it to be from one episode

At 35, she's older than Tennant, Davidson, and Smith, and only a year younger than McGann.

There's no good reason for the debate to be about a WOMAN playing the character. If the debate centered around this particular actress, or her performance in the role (once we've actually seen it) that would be different.

"I have some concerns about how narratively they're going to going to address the institutional sexism the character will now experience anytime she travels into the past."

Regarding Flash Thompson, check out James Spader in Some Kind of Wonderful. This version of Flash is an homage to the 80s-style John Hughes snotty rich kid bully, rather than the dumb jock trope.

Is speculating about something the same as spoiling it?

Any review of a superhero comic that uses the phrase "typical superhero bullshit" as a criticism loses me right there.

Much of what Trank was trying to do was pretty good (though there were flaws in the execution). The real problem comes in two spots - cutting the entire second act with the jump to a year later and the shit-the-bed finale battle that's so incompetently written and staged that it wouldn't look out of place in an Asylum