Don’t stop your car in a fucking crosswalk then
Don’t stop your car in a fucking crosswalk then
Seeing no mini map in recent multiplayer previews legit got my interest piqued. I think it's a really cool way to differentiate the game, and is one i welcome. If they go back on the decision I'll be just as ho-hum about the game as i have been until this point.
I hopped into NMS last year with the ‘Next’ update, and quickly dropped 30 hours into the game. I think this update will see me doing the exact same thing and I am excited to do so.
“its customers” -- really the shareholders have no interest in anything more than bare-bones ports of sports games on the Switch because they can get more people to pony up on other, more online-connected platforms and score that sweet, sweet microtransaction money
Please don’t give this woman more attention. Please, I’m begging you. She’s a waking nightmare of the anti-vax, “self-help” & fad diet variety with just as little reason to be on a national stage as Ryan, Bullock, and Delaney.
The thing to see here is Creative Assembly issuing an apology where it wasn’t warranted and could have, instead, cut ties with a toxic member of their community.
Some albums feel too much like Albarn, while others [Humanz] feel too much like Albarn simply acting as producer for a mixtape. The Now Now moved back in the right direction, for me at least. Demon Days is definitely still the best Gorillaz album.
Is it specifically Skyrim, though? Dozens of RPGs do exactly that kinda bullshit.
If you have Dreams search "FFVII dreamake" in the portion of the game about playing and experiencing other's creations
the Boomers are gonna hate this. It looks like it’ll be a tight fit for the beer bellies and engorged egos.
Hell yeah! XTC is such a cool band, I was introduced to them through Layer Cake which featured “Making Plans for Nigel” on its soundtrack.
Man, that's one cool Mercedes.
the more you know! thanks for the knowledge, i never woulda guessed tbh
I’ve been alive for a bit over half that time frame, but yeah this is news to me. huh
How are we glossing over the fact that the US Coast Guard is operating in international waters nearest to Colombia in an effort to curb drug trafficking? Cause that's news to me
Buy a physical disc on eBay or something.
It makes no sense to me that they would remove compatibility with the dock. The exact same USB-C connector is gonna be charging this device. Even if the Switch Lite just pushes out "handheld mode" video, i.e doesn't support a different power/thermal setup when docked, having the ability to put it up on the tv is huge…
Maaaaaan, I tried playing Battlefront 2 again yesterday to check out the new Droidekas. Was immediately reminded why Battlefront 2 sucks, went “dang these Droidekas are cool” but then uninstalled the game because heroes are annoying as hell.
A man made this decision, yeah?
540p in handheld, dynamic with a max of 720p docked according to the official Witcher twitter account. definitely gonna be a gnarly experience, but it’ll still be The Witcher 3