WAIT, Fortnite isn’t even on Android yet?? Oh my god they still have so much more ground to cover, Switch port when??
I’m a millennial (like Scavenger Rey (HI!!)) and Chick-fil-A is a steaming pile of garbage. It’s one of the majority of fast food places I avoid intensely (Arby’s being another). As somebody who doesn’t eat beef or pork, I eat chicken a lot and I’ve been disappointed by their sandwiches every time I’ve gone. The bun…
CoD also never did the wall-running exo-suit shit well, I’m glad they are moving away from it because the teams consistently got the feel wrong (Sledgehammer, Treyarch and Infinity Ward all tried with different shit and none of them felt good)
I went into this reveal cautiously optimistic. I have always appreciated Treyarch’s approach to the Black Ops series (the first is still my favorite) but holy hell this felt like they were chasing market trends.
1) pulling out of doing “traditional” campaigns to add “stories” to all the other modes — makes sense…
“You are trying to be mainstream, stop it,” one fan said
“no rust”
I wasn’t trying to say it didn’t show new stuff. I agree it showed a lot more than the previous trailers and screens, I meant more that nothing it showed was unexpected and the description Rockstar released with it told me more about the game’s story than the trailer which... Shouldn’t be the case. What it showed was…
I realize, but Rockstar also hasn’t done E3 for a while
Yeah, I concur. It’s like this is the game’s third trailer in a year and a half. This barely showed anything those others didn’t, and thinking back to GTA V we knew so much about that game by the end of the third trailer
My dad never really hung out for single player games, be they Jak & Daxter or Uncharted, but he and I used to play a lot of conflict: desert storm, Ghost Recon, and Ace Combat.
The original 60GB PS3 is the best singular console for RPG’s & video games as a whole. Full PS1, PS2 & PS3 libraries are available to you. And those are running natively - not emulation.
1 definitely hasn’t, but 2 is still a pretty good worthwhile experience. very different from 3 though.
I totally agree, I was expecting a rusty beat up clunker like the above Prizm but it’s in surprisingly good shape.
For $4,821 no less! what the fuck is their pricing scheme?
I checked KBB (which is a terrible metric but better than nothing) and an “excellent” condition 96 Rav4 w/ 352k miles is between “$1554-$3160" for private party sale. They’re the low-ball for an excellent private party sale over the high-ball for a private…
Besides their comment about your wife (I bet she’s lovely) Sardonicuss is spot on. Most people with SNAP are either children who have no say, don’t have a vehicle to get around, or live in food deserts where finding places like Harris Teeter and Trader Joe’s is difficult - if not impossible, especially without a…
if by liberal propaganda you mean “facts” and “information” then sure yeah
I prefer the term ‘slathered in crap’
Just because this singular statement that Sinclair forced its broadcasters to record and air “does not sink to the level of propaganda” does not mean that it is not, by and large, a statement to let slide the constant propaganda that Sinclair forces on networks it owns.
It normalizes a stance against other news…