Matt Latham

"But like Oracle, that was also taken."

Didn't "Felicity's Deadly Vagina" get a decent-sized cult following in the heavy metal scene in the 80s?

I'm pretty much in the long haul to see if my new theory: the four of them are being interviewed for the fortieth series of "Serial" in the far future, holds. Because perhaps these are retellings from decades in the future - as it's the only way I could comprehend the wild variations in some of the events.

Considering that Cisco got some very underplayed maturing in the crossover event last season, it's apparent that he seems to do quite well when he's in Arrow.

Barry brings out the best comedy in John Ramsey, easily. And Thea's "did I know we know The Flash?" was brilliant.

Episode 5 - Jay Garrick wonders why he suddenly knows the words to quite a few Marky Mark songs.

Maybe they're setting up another spin-off. A sit-com about a former super hero getting to grips in an alternate reality and adapting to a new life here.

Maybe Harrison needs to build the security system and have Cisco name it. Same thing applies to Metas….

Those two hit their stride this week. I do miss Gonzo/Rizzo but I do love how they've made these two an enjoyable double-act.

If they don't drop a "There is no E2 Barry/Joe/Henry only Zoom" reference (I'm counting on you, Cisco) then my faith is lost.


Also - #TeamPatty

Can we please lose that habit of having the final metahuman fight of the episode always have Barry having to be told what to do by someone? I don't know why it annoys me so much, but it does.

That said, he apologises and gets forgiven a little too quickly. So he's still got a strange view of himself.

I want a Web series spin off which just shows Matt driving in his car.

Is there a growing self-awareness with Noah? He's not usually painting himself with the asshole-brush…

If Cole's view of Noah isn't one where he has a moustache and cloak and cackles whilst stealing candy from children then I'm done with this show.

This is exactly what happened. I'm sure of it. This is canon.


At this plot-twist rate I'm fully expecting Alex to actually have set the bomb off and is leading all the FBI in a wild goose chase because of reasons.