Morgan Joylighter

The only reason those jackasses have the power that they have is that they’re backed by a massive voting block of elderly white people. Every indicator says that when they die off the generations coming up behind them are going to be a). far less white and b). far more left-leaning. And yes there will be a little

The slowly increasing dread of Republicans as they realize that their base is getting smaller and smaller and smaller is kind of delightful, even as they attempt to counterbalance it by going full apartheid (check with South Africa to see if that worked out for them, and it’ll be even harder here since you’re

I think he makes a great point.... and I am pretty concerned that older folks in Arizona are getting a little senile, and we certainly wouldn’t want any low-quality dementia votes coming in. So, I think they should pass a law that all folks over 65 need to get a dementia screening within a week before voting, and have

Oh that was fucking beautiful. Asking, “Am I right?” to a group of largely American sports reporters still trying to figure out what a “pitch” is. He came with guns blazing. No. I take that back. He came with a gun with one of those laser pointer sights and scored a headshot on Abrahimovic. And I am guessing that

Having fell in love with Fellowship when it was released (and, having started work at a cinema, getting to see it and The Two Towers many times each), I can’t remember being more excited for a film than this one – or having a more emotional reaction to one. From “I can’t carry it for you” onwards I seemed to remember

The logical reaction should be: Yay! We have more people with education and less debt! This is good for the economy! This will benefit society as a whole, maybe even the world! I couldn’t afford education or was stuck in debt for a long time, but I’m happy people will have more opportunities in the future!

Exactly. Joe prided himself on “bipartisanship” with conservative bigots. Except moving towards your opponent’s end of the spectrum while your opponent stays put is not bipartisanship. That’s caving. They’re letting you think you’ve compromised, but you haven’t.

Except which party you support has a significant correlation with if you actually went to college. Rich Republicans don’t have student debt, and poor Republicans think colleges are liberal brainwashing outposts and blame minorities and environmental regulations for their lack of job opportunities instead of the fact

Yeah, but *grumble grumble* I paid my debt already so everyone else should have to pay theirs too. My life was hard, everyone else should have hard lives. A bear ate my sandwich, it’s only fair if bears eat everyone else’s entire homes!

Ubisoft sells ability to have to play less of their game because they know the grind will be too much for some people. Of course they’re lying about not designing it like that.

Word up. Just take a look at the main image for this article - does that look like a quality game? Look at their hair. Look how dumpy Cap is. They couldn’t get the licensing for the MCU versions, but they refused to let it go and come up with something truly their own, and so wound up with these bootleg knockoff

Maybe they should have sold the single player more. Because the marketing I saw was all about multiplayer. Which I didn’t care for. But I figure I will try the game when it is cheaper. Because of Kamala Khan!

I just wanted one more scene at the end and I would have been as satisfied as I could have been with the ending (without having to rewrite the whole thing): Rey sitting on the desert sand, meditating peacefully, talking about the nature of the Force. Camera pulls back - Finn meditates next to her, listening quietly.

I’ve said this before about Rise of Skywalker and I’ll say it again: What did we honestly expect from the director of Star Trek: Into Darkness and the co-writer of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice?

Most people vastly underestimate how bad Reagan was.

This wasn’t a review, and the shit that Reagan did during his administration was abominable, and that’s just how he dealt with the AIDS crisis alone. Beyond that, his bass-ackwards economic polices, proven not to work and since been deemed a failure by the fucking architect of the policy are still somehow considered

Oregon also voted to allow the use of mushrooms for therapeutic reasons. It’s been a few decades, but I’m willing to try anything until they get the votes counted.

If Rey and Kylo were this trilogy’s idea of developed characters, I don’t think he missed out on much.

I still can’t believe how bad the title is. I don’t have any issue with most of the supposedly bad videogame titles that are around. Someone else mentioned Bravely Default and I have absolutely no problem with that. I actually really enjoy when Japanese media picks two words seemingly arbitrarily and puts them

The intended system: Drivers turn on phone GPS, Amazon tells the nearest GPS signal a delivery is ready, driver accepts and gets paid for delivery.