Morgan Joylighter

Yeah, for a company that everyone claims can use their super deep wallets to eat a lot of losses, they sure don’t put up with poorly selling games for very long.

It is amazing to me how consistently stupid Microsoft has been since entering the console business.
"Let's release Mech Assault 2 a month after Halo 2 releases and three days after Christmas. What? It didn't sell? Kill the franchise!"
"Let's pump money into Mistwalker and have our own JRPG machine. Eh, Blue Dragon and

I see this purely in consulting terms (I’m a consultant). Microsoft here was the client, who outsourced their project to a consultant team (Darkside). They agreed on terms, budget, etc. and work started.

1) Seriously, MS. Screw you. This seems to have been handled idiotically.

Well, all things considered thinking about the persecution of EVERY OTHER group of people by the christians, I think it sounds pretty Christian-Like.

No! No, Mr. Patrick Klepek! You are wrong! Any article that drags politics into my video games is never worth reading! Politics do NOT belong in games under any circumstance, and should be shunned at all times. They are just games, not reflections of current culture/attitudes, or statements about issues by the

I really feel like if people start really delving into VR porn too much that some people will start to see women more as objects than human beings, and I don’t mean that in the traditional sense, but like soulless mannequins. I personally am a bit creeped out by this. I think if it was less realistic I’d like it

Yes, but spoilers.

How dare you.

What a fucking dork you are, man...Social Justice Avengers. Adjust your hat, neckbeard, and venture forth from thy parent's basement. Breath that fresh air. Take a hit from your asthma inhaler. Now relax because it's just a comic book.

Absolutely. Destiny seems to be designed to solely give pleasure to people with addictive personality disorders. I stopped play the moment I realized there was no connection between me being some kind of special chosen guardian, and everyone else being the exact same character that just happened to share the world and

Because that's how people talk these days, adults included. They're writing blog posts about video games, they're not trying to win a Pulitzer Prize.

These games don't do it for me... Why do they have to be dark and dank?

I say nope for two reasons. The first is that I am a giant pussy who would throw up halfway around the loop and get the ride closed, ruining everyone's good time. The second is the way they make you ride the thing.

at some point you will find your time becomes more precious, that's when you'll hate that kind of drivel, or at least will avoid them like the plague.

I cannot be the only person that gets mentally exhausted at the idea of an entire new expanded universe?

Well well well, color me surprised. Which, if I had to guess would be a shade of yellow. I don't know why but that's where my mind goes. Also the "surprise" is in finger-quotes because this type of behavior doesn't surprise me anymore.

I've bought every BF game. But I'm sure as hell not buying this one for glorifying the militarization of police.
