
He wasn’t “looking down his nose” at horror - he has stated in previous interviews that he is a ‘scardy-cat’ and has a hard time sitting through a scary film.

Where do you get the impression he looks down on horror? If you follow the link, he says he doesn’t watch horror movies because he’s “a scaredy cat.” That’s quite different than feeling like you’re better than the genre or something.

Only two that are grade 1 FIA certified. And despite the heat in Austin, COTA does have a few advantages for hosting big events. Especially that section of the circuit.

Good atmosphere + dirty draft lines are a sad but real combination at times.

You are an idiot. This does not only happen in America. Remember Jimmy Savile? How about British authorities overlooking Pete Towhshend’s child porn? This is a human issue, not an American one.

Howard’s back catalog seems to be an inventory of everyone’s dirty laundry, doesn’t it?

And people used to say he didn’t have a useful function.

illness and starvation sure, but where do you live that tons of deer are ‘ripped open by predators’

That Ugar person is an idiot. Deer need to be culled because the decrease in the cougar population means the deer population isn’t controlled naturally anymore. I get that humans have encroached on deer habitat, but deer are also over-breeding. There are 30 million white tail deer in the U.S.

Even as someone who didn’t like TLJ, I don’t get the criticism about it ruining Luke. I thought the Luke, Rey, and Kylo stuff was sort of good—it was everything else that was awful.

Eh, i’d say his Jordan Davis idiocy was far worse.

I think he should be allowed to have this opinion, and I think other people should be allowed to say that this opinion sucks. Just my two cents.

Hellman’s. Otherwise, fair.

“If you’re an A.V. Club reader, you probably share our general cynicism for promotional nonsense.”

Now playing

Luke, is that you? How many eggs can you eat in an hour?

Mario Batali was a dick even before the sexual allegations surfaced.

That’s why I prefer to work in restaurants in or near downtown where there’s lots of parking meters. I keep a crowbar in my trunk for after hours tips.

the first few seasons were great. especially the first one before they actually were famous and just acted like they were.

No one likes to admit it but they all watched Jersey Shore. Everyone did. It was huge. Trash television at its best.

I kind of liked the Jersey Shore television show. My favorite was the Situation because he was ugly, he was ten years older than everyone, and he seemed like he would have sex with anyone including really ugly women and guys because “a hole is a hole.”

Tax evasion? The Situation shouldn’t have tried his own spin off: Jersey Off-Shore.