Matthew Johnson

I honestly can't recall being as devastated by the death of a character on a television show in recent memory. It didn't completely hit me last week because it was right at the end, but that flashback, with "Pictures of You" playing right into the slam of MR. ROBOT showing up… I can't stop thinking about it.

I love Inside Jobs. As my ability to tolerate Jesse on Jordan Jesse Go! has diminished over the years, I've started viewing Brian and Gene as sort of a parallel universe version of them (they all went to UCSC together), and Inside Jobs has become one of my absolute favorite podcasts (no short shrift intended for Lee,

This is a really beautiful tribute to the show. I think i remember the author soliciting places to publish this, given his exclusive access, and I'm really glad it ended up here even despite the animosity a lot of the commenters here had towards the show. I'm sure there will be a lot of stupid and mean comments to

I really enjoyed the show but I don't have cable and not being able to watch it anywhere online was really disappointing and frustrating. I don't blame them, they can stream or not stream whatever they want obviously. But being able to watch The Daily Show or Conan or whatever online whenever I want the next day is

The "backdoor pilot" jokes write themselves; this episode was sublime.

Oh man, those five words were a real rollercoaster ride. "Matt Gourley—" YESSSS "—and Matt Mira" NOOOOO

I remember hearing Brian Stack talk about that The Trial sketch before, maybe an old The Sound of Young America. Stack has always been my favorite of the "Conan Players", and I adore that movie, so it was this insane otherworldly combination of things I loved, I couldn't believe something like that existed and was

The dumb comic this is based on has a sequel, and it is indeed actually called 3 Guns. The first issue came out today.

I don't want to bother looking up the link, but I'm positive Colbert guest-hosted at least once when he was still on staff.

Kerrigan directed an episode of Homeland, if you didn't know. I was disappointed by it just because of the expectations I had from liking his features so much, but it feature some prime Damien Lewis freaking-out which I definitely felt like was a wink at Keane.

It might be too late, but I would say skip the review and just check it out. Part of the fun of the series is feeling overwhelmed at first because you don't know what's going on.

I am one of the (hopefully and apparently) many people who discovered Night Vale from Podmass, and it makes me really happy to see people still commenting about it, and hearing this from you as well. It's awesome to see such a tangible cause-and-effect unfold in front of me/us, and it couldn't have happened to a

I was probably never going to like that movie anyway, but seeing this collection of gifs that made the Mrs. Doubtfire comparison unavoidable meant that I could never even bring myself to watch it.

I'm thrilled that two different comments mentioned the "because are you fucking kidding me?" line—that was definitely my favorite joke of the first episode and won the show a lot of good will from me.

When he got sentenced to the electric chair, knowing what was coming, I almost burst from laughter.

I hadn't watched Requiem until recently, and I was enormously frustrated that I couldn't find a .gif of Scully caught in the force field. As Todd said, that's a really cool effect.


I was surprised to see it here. I love the show and listen every day. I don't want to say that it's responsible for me moving to Seattle, but it definitely helped to make it seem less abstract a place when I did. It has been very strange to be listening to it over the years, have the radio show get cancelled, Luke get

I thought it was clear in my comment that I was referring to Tom's history of criticizing the AV Club commenters, of which this example was a part. He has complained about the snark-for-snark's-sake cynicism and the idea of doing weekly reviews of podcasts, applying sometimes-harsh scrutiny to, and reducing a body of

Jesus, the AV Club is my favorite website and I always get irritated when Tom and others criticize it because I feel like it is usually an unfair characterization, but the comments here have definitely made me question whether he's not right to shit-talk some of the posters here. I get that a lot of it is defensive