
What are the odds!? Just the other day I was thinking of ways to further embrace my alcoholism as well as my love for Sunny-D. Talk about two birds!

Well considering that Canadians get bent over for just about EVERYTHING else, I feel they deserve this one.

@Agagulba: Okay, I'll bite. Explain.

@Odin: Don't care. It's still fucking awesome.

You people bitching about the lack of battery are missing the forest for the trees. So what if it doesn't have a battery! This guy took the guts of a video game console, a controller, and a LCD screen and crammed them into a case that he built himself and, holy shit, it looks awesome! Lack of battery and deadly

Kudos to the photographer of the lead photo. Excellently composed and lit. I seriously envy your job.

@JabbaB: I agree. Reminds me of the old store displays that killed several hours of my teenage years.

Might this have something to do with why Keith Richards is still alive and will probably live for frickin ever?

Awesome P&S for us Nikon fans. The BSS function sounds handy.

I think this photo provides all the evidence needed to permanently revoke his man-card.

@njdevil: -. —- —..— - .... . -.— -.. —- -. .——. - .-.-.-

@brijazz: I can't remember who Ernestine worked for...

Anyone else have flashbacks to the Cuban Jungle level in GoldenEye 007?

@Guard: Isn't that what bookmarks are for?

I can't understand why some apps even exist. Take, for example. Why the hell do they need an app? What does that app do that's so much better than a mobile-browser version? Why am I allotting precious MBs of my iPhone's storage to an app that's just a glorified version of what I can already pull up in

His cat gets an iPad? Lucky. I give my cat big rubberbands to play with.

Who took this photo? I want a 40x50 poster of this image so I can frame it, hang it on the wall over my desk, and mentally masturbate to it whenever I get a hard on for science. Awesome fucking photo.

@Asraiil: I thought that was the best part of this video. To hell with the ghetto bubble net.