
@Psychonaut: From the inside looking out, it gets dark enough to significantly darken the room, but from outside, you can't see a thing through it. Pitch black.

I'm lucky enough to be working in one of the few hospitals in California that is actually turning a profit. The operating rooms that I work in have large panoramic windows that look out on the mountains, and during a recent remodel, electro-chromic windows were installed, allowing the windows to go from clear to

@Ryanraven: Lost your star? hmm. wonder why...

What the hell does 'squadra' mean?

Crop circles are real too.

@scootly: Dude, this isn't about how much the phone cost. It's about a company taking pride in the products that they make and not telling the customer to 'deal with it' (paraphrasing) when they ship a product with a design flaw that affects it's function.

@dennis636223: Apple made seventeen billion dollars profit last year. Billion! In one year! Millions on a recall is nothing more than a drop in the bucket to them.

Holy hell! That's awesome! This will be the first time that my company email will ever have been useful to me!

@corradokid: I was wondering what those things were!

This photo reminds me of the fustercluck that is the backside of my desk. :-(


@Almightywhacko: You are right, yanking Skype sucks, and yes, I also agree that just about every IM/VOIP/whatever app does their own job better than Fring. However, for me, the big reason that Fring is far more than a pointless app is because instead of 10 apps cluttering my home screen, there's only one. For folks

@Cyb3r_Punk: Um, yeah, we all know that video chat has been around LIKE FOREVER, but thanks for pointing it out anyways. Just trying to point out the irony of the photo, dude. Simmer.

The most advanced technology on the planet and they play patty-cake with it. Ah, how I envy the life of a Gizmodo employee.

@somethinghead: Sure, no one has Fring now, but it's not like it's a huge pain in the ass to get it. It's free, and you can download it from the phone. The whole country could have it in a about a minute.

Why isn't the HD2 on there?