
I just changed mine yesterday; I’m all the way up to **************83. Been using this one for a while now.

OG gets a star

Fuck outta here with that bullshit. Two kids are dead.

Yes! The Caps could certainly still use Schmidt, smiles and all. Brooks slow-ass Orpick has been playing better lately, but damn, that dude is slow.

My 2005 Subaru Outback 3.0R has a wooden, leather wrapped Momo wheel. Quite nice actually.

Yeah, I’ve been perusing this comment thread off and on for a while. He just got pwned, realized it, and gave up. Good for him. I wouldn’t die on this hill.

This was not good.

Found the NBC employee.

CP for the fish-eye lens pictures. I can’t stand that.

You gotta be handy with the steel, if you know what I mean

“Cosmetic damage”? It’s missing the blooming front fender!

Caps blog RussianMachineNeverBreaks sells a shirt that has an outline of Pierre with his stupid headphones on, that says “Shut Up Pierre”. BEST. SHIRT. EVER.

Starred for over medium eggs. Though I never seem to get them actually medium, usually over easy is the result. But I can tell when the establishment I’m in has a certified short order cook, because then, and only then, do I receive over medium eggs.

Not gonna go with “Emotional Rescue?” Classic that it’s so bad it’s good.

Crazy old grandpa car

What if you hear a car slam on the “brakes” instead?

Them back tires is bald as a muh

I concede, poor reading skills. Either way, 8 days is even too much time for this guy to spend in jail over this.

8 years is still excessive af though. I get your hand wringing about destroying evidence, but the crime he was “covering up” isn’t shit. Not worth 8 fucking years. That’s just absurd. So, settle down there cupcake about the “justice”.

Needless to say, you use the term “needless to say” too much. If it’s really that way, then you’ve already written words that add nothing to the story other than length.