
so stanford is an Islamic military cult rather than an institution of higher learning.. good to know...

kojima: “you’re gonna need some socks...”

if it’s so ridiculous to adjudicate where anyone should go to the bathroom then why do we even have separate men and women’s bathrooms? isn’t it because women think men are creepy and scary and dont want them around when they are vulnerable with their pants down? so you’re telling me when a crazy man turns his penis

breaking windows and burning cities down is not peaceful protesting.. you ass..

i think maybe we have time for the flat earth debate now...

And fuck you you piece of shit..

You know what.... Fuck reddit....

I was born in the darkness...

That’s why it worked out so well is because it was true.. smh.. you people are just sooo.. dumb...

Do try to be less retarded in the future.. alt right is not neo nazi. Alt right wants less government you fool. Libtards want totalitarianism. Who is the one censoring free speech again? Oh that’s right you are..

Maybe it means god is infinity and infinity is god and even god is not in control but just another subject of infinity. God cannot stop or move infinity or change anything and is only along for the ride like all of us.

Actually how would there be an immovable object? Just think about space, all objects can be moved. And all objects can be stopped.. it’s all relative.. is there such thing as an immovable property or an unstoppable property? Given the proper amount of force all objects could be stopped or moved. Maybe this is more a

Maybe the answer is that the immovable object moves and then the unstoppable object stops.. they have to compromise Right? Or do they trade properties? The immovable object takes up the unstoppable movement and the unstoppable object takes up the immovable station?