No over exemplary displays of females overpowering men in the air Force? Que Paso?
No over exemplary displays of females overpowering men in the air Force? Que Paso?
I LOOKED for deals like this and didn't find anything.. stop pulling my leg..
Maybe driving downtown should be illegal and everyone should have to bike..
Bikers get hit by cars because they follow the rules of the road and ride with the flow of traffic.. that way there is no way for you to see if someone is going to hit you.. you need to change it to ride against traffic so you can see if the driver acknowledges you or not.. otherwise it's not a matter of whether or…
Just make every book, movie and audio accessable for 10$ a month...
I’m pretty sure I'll be in the first season.. this sounds exactly like my last job.. I'm also pretty sure my life is the Truman show but more like this particular show..
And because it creates a cloud of smoke, you can escape like Batman..
In other words, why men are no longer allowed to hit on women...
So whats the policy? Anyone some random guy who programs this doesn’t like gets killed? Some guy who got butthurt about some online comments or something?
Password1... That’s genius.....
Isnt the ISS supposed to have crashed into the atmosphere already? I thought there were all these articles saying goodbye to the space station a couple years ago.. is this a mandella effect?
The force is female, the future is female.. even men are female..
Good job you shit sandwhich, you’re ruining a woman’s career because she called you whiny when you were being whiny.. now you look like even more of a whiny douche.. and good job to all the companies who cut ties with her, you take orders from a fucking dumb child..... How I make a call to put all your companies out…
Self driving cars are just a bad idea.. a cool idea maybe but this is fantasy not reality. Just stick to adding safety features that prevent accidents.. not autopilot features that cannot prevent accidents.. ie cause accidents.. the driver might be at fault partially but the car still has an autopilot features.. can’t…
what about smelly roommates that stink up the whole house and you can smell them from your room that’s down the hall?
actually, Alex said it was literally the eye of sauron...
let me guess. she thinks she’s the president but he’s not listening to her.. he’s not bill Clinton...
maybe we should not tolerate any group who bullies someone because of the color of their skin? why is it ok to bully white people? because they are the majority? even when they are outnumbered and singled out? funny how you believe whites should not oppress “minorities” yet when you are the majority you have no…
also “injustices” the black community faces is a very debatable term..
or maybe you people are constantly intentionally misleading people and then patting yourselves on the back for it.. you aren’t a genius just because you can lie and deceive..