
Josh Hart was drafted by the Lakers...

Looks to me like he’s timing them...

Glad someone pointed that out.

In the US, can the government officials just come to your house with guns and shoot things on your property?

Was the internet a thing in ASoUE? (“I bought it on the internet”)

I feel like TWD (show) is gearing up for Negan to kill Carol. With all the Glenn death teases and them trying to get us on a real emotional level with Carol these last few episodes, I feel like they aren’t going to be following the comics.

Platypuses are not mammals. They are monotremes. They lay eggs. I’m not joking.

It’s RBF not BRF.

I couldn’t watch this after she made the abortion joke.

His or her, not their. Let’s at least have good grammar in the title.

Because being a Titans fan wasn’t bad enough already.

Still miss Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life. Best game of my childhood.