
Oh good, now I can market that Pokémon (it's short for Pocket…uh, Monchies) cereal without reprise! No one could possibly think that Nintendo has liscenced a brand tie-in with my product in a completely different market!

"Confusion" doesn't just mean "oh, I confused this popular action figure for the tablet"; false association is a form of confusion; using similar branding to an otherwise unrelated mark can create the impression that there is some sort of tie in, or can create in people (say, the 20-30 year-old males who loved the

In this case, it's not about people accidentally buying a tablet instead of a toy. Attaching someone else's mark to your product is infringement, and market confusion is just one aspect of the case that will be considered. Trademark owners are required to protect their marks in all instances of possible infringement,

That one road you drive down sucks?

You do realize that income tax brackets are such that you will never lose money by accepting a raise, right? Indeed, this is the opposite of welfare, which sometimes does force workers on the low end of the payscale to turn down small raises because it would throw them into a substantially less charitable welfare

"Mac OS X 10.4" => "Mac OS 10.4". The 'X' means 10, so you only use it if you're not including the dot version numer. #corrections

You know a £1 coin doesn't actually weigh 1 lb., right? And the man asked you how much 1 million *dollars* weighed, not £1M.

Just because there are ads in the paper doesn't mean there's anywhere near a 1:1 ratio of applicants to positions, or that these jobs have been there the entire time. If 15 people show up for the same ad in the paper, 14 are walking away jobless. Furthermore, companies are loathe to hire those overqualified for a

Very good point. They need a blank border of some fashion.

in fairness, the Twitter for Mac team released a library/framework to help devs make apps similar to theirs—they want to make it easier to have all of your apps following the same UI style again.

You can also use a small jar (such as those for baby food) to hold dressing completely separate from the veggies. Sure, it's an extra container to remember/carry/clean, and you probably wouldn't want to fill the whole jar, but it's better than accidentally soaking the veggies, or forgetting dressing period.

The quote about some of the worst roads in the world was referring to our pre-Interstate-System roads—the dirt paths that the military could only cross at an *average* of 6mph—and that's including all of those nice paved East Cost roads.

It's inside the "iTunes Media" folder. I have it out in the sidebar so I can drag songs to it from anywhere. It works quite nicely.

Most patents are technology patents; the others are for things like "business processes".

If it makes you feel better, Mindstorms is a partnership with National Instruments, a very American company based in Austin. We helped design the motors and develop the software used to program them. We would very much like you to support our US workers :)

Uh, the Rebels' harpoon guns were mounted to the rear of their speeders. Luke didn't fire any harpoons by hand, he used a grappling hook to reach mechanisms we could disable.

You do NOT need to have it plugged in to a power source to sync—you can manually sync by going to Settings > General > iTunes Wifi Sync any time you're on the same network as your computer.

What cipher said; once you tell both iTunes and your phone that you want to use wifi sync, your phone will automatically look for your iTunes app any time it's plugged in, but you can manually tell it to sync any time you're on the same wifi network as your computer, regardless of whether you have power.

Thankfully, the free iCloud account every iOS 5 user can now get will push any changes to your contacts list to your phone immediately, so you don't have to worry about little changes like that. Also, any album you get on iTunes is available for play-immediately-while-downloading, and you can pay to have that extended

You only charge your phone at your computer? I, and most people my age (college/recently graduated) keep the charger on my nightstand, so the phone is always nearby should I receive a text while I'm asleep/napping. This means my phone will automatically sync with iTunes (or now iCloud) when I go to bed each night,