
This. It doesn't matter how good your English is if you're pressing a fleshy mass into the microphone.

iCloud wasn't fully functioning for all 7 betas, and while Marco was made aware of some of his testers losing content over the past few weeks, it took until last week for him to track it down (a fellow developer actually ended up tipping him off to it, IIRC). It's not that Apple came out and announced that he'd have

You'd be surprised how often data can get away from you once you factor in podcasts, magazines, comic books, etc. Heck, even though Instapaper is mostly plaintext with the occasional image, it can get pretty large if I let my queue get to big.

My bet is that iTunes wifi syncing is really more of an afterthought to what Apple really wants you to do—sync with iCloud. While the two are mutually exclusive (you can only manually back up your device to iTunes if you sync with iCloud), syncing with iCloud/maintaining an iDevice without needing a computer

They upgraded to Thunderbolt because they partnered with Intel to create the technology, and because there aren't major power or space concerns for including it—indeed, it's smaller than many of the other video/data connections they could have added.

I wasn't trying to make a joke. I was just calling ODOMZIG's "joke" out on its fail. You have a browser on your phone, use it for porn if you like. You don't need the app store to find porn, and considering the sheer volume of crap ads that litter porn sites, I'm pretty okay with nothing from that industry being

Or some really cliché secretary sounding name like Ms. Merriweather (yeah I'm bad with names).

You guys don't get the internet on your iPhone?

The brotastic way some guy chimes it at the end of their commercials is even more obnoxious.

Apple did have a product named the iBook. It's the predecessor of the white plastic Macbook, while the PowerBook was the predecessor to the MacBook.

It worked at the time because they were boasting about having the PowerPC in it, which at one point was considered a formidable processor, although it really stopped innovating.

Actually, even on the iPhone I have a hard time hitting a faraway corner without the flesh of my hand bumping another spot and screwing up my input. I am just an inch under average height for the US, and don't have tiny hands. So we're 1-1 on unscientific anecdotes.

This fifth model is what cinches the pattern for me; the main reason I've heard cited by people in the know for the 3G's case being different than the first's is that they needed more antenna permeable area within the space for the signal to break through. You can almost write off the change as a shift from prototype

You should be safe from becoming outdated until at least June, when all of the iPhone 4 early adopters' 2-year contracts will be fully open for upgrade.

The only feature I've seen lacking in any of the beta builds or release notes is Siri. the 3G to 3GS transition was much sharper than 3GS to 4, and the 4 is more than capable to handle just about anything you can think to throw at it today—most of the new features from Apple aren't GPU related, which is the major bump

But that's the thing—this isn't really for digging your phone out of your pocket in the middle of a crowded store so you can verbally look up lasagna or speak a text to your friend. This is really for when you're in situations where it's not extremely awkward to talk. Furthermore, while texting was originally mostly

Well yes. I'm quite happy with the fact that my mom will accept my hand me down and let me alternate between my upgrade and her upgrade every other year.

I agree with Kyle, though I get what you're saying about it being awkward to do in front of people. I have a little bluetooth car kit I got at the recent Belkin sale, and I'll be getting something akin to the Jambox for my desk soon, so it can be great for those instances where it'd be easier (and in the former case,

@arj8138 have you actually used iOS 5 on the 3GS yet? I and a few colleagues have had the pleasure of doing so, and it actually runs quite smoothly (ignoring the beta bugs that have been on every phone). This is definitely not a repeat of iOS 4.

We can't even say it would have necessarily had a bigger screen; there has been no indication in iOS 5 betas of another screen resolution. Apple would not have kept a change that intensive away from developers throughout the entire beta, so that would have meant the larger screen would have had the same resolution as