
See that's what I think is the beauty of it. It captures the early adopters, who know full well they need the new case design to stand out and be awesome, while fully catering to those who have known Apple long enough (and somehow remained patient enough) to wait for the debugged hardware revision. This "little tick,

Yes, it's one piece of hardware that will work on GSM and CDMA, but there seems to still be a software lock that will keep you on one network or the other. This allows Verizon to temporarily unlock your phone as part of their super-expensive "I need to use this phone in Europe for two weeks" plan and take advantage of

No, the hardware itself is technically capable of jumping on to HSPA+, but if you buy a CDMA-locked phone, you'll only be able to use GSM/HSPA+ when Verizon (or some dubious method) unlocks the capability for you, normally as part of a temporary overseas travel plan. It is a purely software lock, though, and honestly

They already included a slide saying the 4S was twice as fast as the 4, despite (as TFA notes) this only being true for one carrier.

1) LTE isn't widespread enough for it to be a big deciding factor for a lot of people, which means it probably wouldn't be worth the manufacturing point at this point.

Agreed. Plus, when I saw the 2D version in theaters the other day, they even left out the annoying "Morning Report" song that they'd added to the DVD rerelease. I got to bask in the original theatrical glory, and it was good.

It's not like they completely rewrote Cocoa, but from what I hear there are indeed a lot of new APIs and existing APIs have been greatly bolstered and cleaned up. A lot of core features that hadn't been shown much attention have seen a nice polishing.

Well, they didn't really go into the machinery of iCloud too much at all today. I wouldn't be surprised if you hear more about it as the service's release draws near.

I agree that 4G is a really cool technology and is certainly the future of cell technology, but I don't really care about whether the iPhone 5 (or any other phone released in the next several months) has it because my area simply doesn't have the coverage for it yet. 3G is in abundance all around these parts, but my

Doesn't the 3G service allow you to pull books to your device no matter where you are?

*ahem* Platinum. Molybdenum.

Sugar feeds yeast, not salt—indeed, salt actually limits the growth rate of yeast. It can also be used in small amounts to agument the other flavors within the mixture.

This is why I'm looking forward to iMessage. Those few coworkers who are hanging on to BBM.

Her voice isn't actually very high pitched, just loud, nasal, resonant, and obnoxious.

That's weird, I'm on an up to date version of Lion, and I was able to execute dscl from the command line without root privelages, no problem. I just followed jrobles's advice and chmod'd the executable and now I need proper privileges.

Yes; the picture is misleading because the lock is always sealed when System Preferences opens, even if you're logged into an admin account, and the entire Security & Privacy prefpane is disabled until you unlock it with admin credentials (this is the same as su/sudo within terminal).

Yeah, I think currently app data is just locked to a device, period, so maybe this will simply allow everyone to have access to every app a family member buys, and allow us to populate data separately. Of course, my family members also don't need to receive every random app I compulsively grab...

Bud, it's only currently an iPhone app. The Starbucks card app was iOS only at first as well, but once they worked out the kinks, they released an Android port, and I think either have or will move to BB and WP7. Besides, even if this one particular developer decides to stay iOS-only even in the face of large

The thing I worry about is how apps will behave if you try to merge multiple people's accounts. My family has 7 iDevices on 4 accounts, and while I'd love to take advantage of iTunes Match to keep an up-to-date library on their copies of iTunes and their various devices, I really don't need them getting my mail

The point of TFA is that cutting the lock makes it so that the weight of a human on the seat bends the bike...