Matthew Erman

Really enjoying this series. It’s staggering how good this book is considering they appear to be first time creators.

like/follow them on facebook to keep up to date with developments!

Hey Katharine! Long Lost actually debuts in November! The diamond Preorder code is SEP171868.

This one?

That Marceline is amazing! Thanks for the link

Holy fuck relatable art!

She’s a great T-shit designer. Someone should pay her to do it.

Awesome style, thanks for highlighting it!

Haha, I like these a lot. I dig the occult and tarot stuff. I like that her style strikes a good balance between realistic and cartoony. Far too many “quirky” pictures (for lack of a better term) tend to drift too far towards cartoony for my taste.

Freakin’ lol

Lisa Sterle is an illustrator, concept artist and graphic designer.