Matthew Wing

Thanks for the well thought out response…and actually, thinking of it as sort of the gay version of wrestling kinda helps me see what the appeal is. Also, for the record, I think RuPaul herself is quite talented. It's just most of the contestants I'm not too sure about.

I didn't say that I thought that people who like RPDR are idiots, nor was I trying to imply that. As far as the talent of the contestants go, I just don't see much there and it mystifies me. What I'd really like to know is what do you like about it? What am I not seeing?

Drag queens are a part of gay culture that I just don't understand. I've never been entertained at a drag show, and I've been to more than a couple, but my friends go on and on about Drag Race and so I figured I'd watch a few episodes. What did I find? Minimally talented, stupid, unfunny people who think they are much