
Most things aren't just random violence, games and movies that are quickly get boring. The fun part is the story. It's simply fantasy, if anyone equates it to real life they're stupid.

Well, there are several things wrong with this comment... and I'm not even a liberal.

Yes, my girlfriend has been complaining about it all day. Apparently it's back to normal now though.

I'm not sure it's a planet, could just be something with the camera or whatever.

Another one possibly?

Hydrochloric Acid down the sink? I'm glad I have my own well.

Well I'm not entirely done the series yet, but I'm starting to think that's what happens.

Ah, I'm still half way through a Dance With Dragons, I started the series rather late.

I love these books simply because it's so unpredictable and complicated. You'll form an emotional attachment with a character and then have them killed in a terribly gruesome or sad way. It makes every other story seem so predictable because the main characters in most stories don't die.

You got a problem with kids knowing how to shoot people?

Me too, I was never grounded once or punished at all either. If my parents told me to do something I did it.

My current girlfriend first told me she loved me over text, I saw nothing wrong with it. Then again we rarely saw each other at the time and were both pretty shy. But our relationship hasn't suffered from it.

I think the picture is rather creepy, then again it might just be the association with what he did.

I know both an Adler and a Kierson, I never really thought they were weird names.

There will always be evidence for the idiots.

Ever smelled burning flesh, fat, and hair? It's not very nice...

Well you see aliens being evil all the time really rather reflects how humans think, if we were the aliens coming from the sky what do you think we'd do? Just look at how we treat those we consider beneath us in our own species.

Don't worry Gawker's got you covered...