
And Herr's small book on Kubrick is my favourite of many I've read. A beautiful contrast to Frederic Raphael's ludicrous, overblown Eyes Wide Open as a memoir of a writer's collaboration. I must read Dispatches.

He speaks very highly of you, though.

Bit touchy there fendjinn, it's just a sharp little barb and can be ignored if it upsets you. I'm Australian, insults are a form of high art here.

Yeah quite right, he's entertaining and funny on his day. I'm just in love with the acidity of the takedown.

I've never been able to watch Stephen Fry without recalling Julie Burchill 's takedown of him as "a stupid person's idea of what a really clever person is like" which is exquisite. I don't think yr man Russ even makes it on that scale though.

No, do go on, all of us interested in Hendrix are fascinated by your echo chamber prattle.

If it was solid rock, maybe, but it's like 80-90% air - you know, for people to move around inside.

Yeah good point, I guess the VU occupies so much of my mental furniture that they've made the place their own.
Maybe he'd be looking for the ultimate pastrami on rye for $26 these days.

Forever Changes captures that time, but VU and Nico captures ALL TIME.