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    'Netflix Madlib' - Brilliant!

    Killing only Ramsey only ends the war if Ramsey agreed to individual combat, as Jon proposed.

    Not if she didn't expect Jon to wait. Or maybe she was conflicted. She was prepared to sacrifice Jon for her plan, but surreptitiously gave him (Jon) a way out.

    Of course, plot development takes precedence over military tactics. But since we're having fun thinking about it as though it were a real battle, then waiting may longer could have helped. One could argue that Sansa waited until a) Jon's forces could kill as many Bolton's as possible, and b) the boltons had

    @avclub-ce7da3812ed2a993e2194cd75e94b18b:disqus I'm surprised you asked why Little Finger was late. He wasn't. He was being held in reserve for Sansa's strategic purposes. In speaking with Jon the night before, Sansa foreshadowed a) her commitment to *not* do what Ramsey expected, b) her willingness to sacrifice a


    Am I the only one who didn't immediately know that Elizabeth *only* punched Martha? I'm pretty sure the scene was designed to make us first think that Elizabeth had killed Martha, presumably by stabbing her. Even as Elizabeth told Martha things would be alright, I felt certain Martha wasn't walking away from this

    did anybody else notice that Marc Almond sang "to make things right, you need someone to hold you tight" while Philip was strangling the airport security guard?

    What we learned from episode 2: Richie has to be on a bender for a full 24 hours before he becomes an interesting character. Sober, he's mopey, overly ernest, and sanctimonious. For the first 24 hours of a bender, he's just sweaty and droolly, with an excessive propensity for mouth breathing. But when the second

    As Joshua Alston has pointed out several times, The Leftovers is a show that teaches it's audience how to watch it. I think the Karaoke scene is probably the most explicit (or blatant, depending on your POV) example of this. Ostensibly, the MC (who tried to hang Kevin last week) was telling Kevin to get over the