Matt Saxe

This was a great read.

I enjoyed this series so much. I don't know if any show made me laugh as hard or built up such a great world in one season. East Peck is a town of pure insanity. I hope we can return.

I thought Dwayne might be guilty too based on Boyer's character and performance in HAND TO GOD. It would've been more interesting, but considering this a network comedy built around a brutal murder, it doesn't surprise me that they made it so there was no murder.

Well, it seems in re-reading Wills review he enjoyed the episodes, and I did too. Now you're confusing me. ;-) I enjoy the show and I'd like to see the show continue, even if its without Lithgow. It'd be interesting to see a different client played by someone of his caliber every year. What about Kelsey Grammer or

You're welcome. Glad you liked it. I wonder why the hell its marked as Potential Spam? I didn't copy or paste any links into it and there's nothing I see in it that could be Spam. Hello, AV CLUB/Disqus moderators! My post there is NOT Spam and I kindly ask you to recognize it as such. Thanks everyone who Upvoted it.

Thanks! I really appreciate that. Happy to answer your question about vouchers as best I can.

Yeah, I've seen that version from the BBC. Bob Hoskins is great as Iago in it—really earthy and raw, but having Hopkins do that makeup was absurd. I wasn't criticizing the Patrick Stewart version, I've never seen it, and its an interesting concept in a way. Also, by doing it that way it gave more actors of color

Yes. I did a reading for her in that little theater around the corner from MELTDOWN Comics on Sunset back in 2000 when I first moved to L.A. I had just gotten back from Texas and shooting PEARL HARBOR, which I'd gotten on my own. I'd been living in L.A. for about two and a half months. A manager I'd met who completely

Yup. She was a godawful agent. No other way to describe it. Terrible, lazy, and insulting. Never liked her. As soon as I got an offer from another agent, I called Shirley and told her I was leaving her representation and firing her. One of the most satisfying calls I ever made.

Still to me unbelievable. In my 8 years in working in L.A. I don't remember ever seeing agents or casting directors at actual plays or shows. NOT paid CD/Agent workshops, where every actor there has put up $20-$30 for the assistants to be there, but real plays. I worked at and was a member of good theater companies in

That's exactly what Patrick Stewart did when he played OTHELLO. The only other white person in the cast played Bianca.

As soon as Kara talked about how only people with powers should be super heroes, it made me ask: "What about all those non-powered people you fight aliens with every week on your show, and those ones in the other Universe you just went to that you fought an Alien invasion off with and are heroes in their own right?"

That's good that you don't take it personally. I'm more talking about Christian media watchdog groups than individuals. It amazes me that none of them have pounced on this show. Still, it must be at least a little bit frustrating that most Christians are the show are portrayed negatively with the exception Athelstan

Maybe. My DVR must have cut off the Scenes from the Next Season before that came up. Thanks!

The burning of Ecberts library and all those irreplaceable texts and volumes was a moment showing something this show, and its fans, often hesitate to admit: That the Vikings were quite backwards as compared to mainland Europe, and their destruction of these sorts of things were just as damaging as when fanatical

I read this book at 17 and it just blew me away. I didn't see the movie until a couple years later and because I was too young to have seen a lot of The MTM Show, it didn't surprise me at all how good MTM was in this role. Then later when I saw a couple repeats of MTM I was so impressed by how wonderful she was in her

It's because of attitudes like that and because Liberals couldn't unite behind Humphrey—who was NONE of that stuff Thompson said—that the 1968 Democratic Convention was such a fucking nightmare and Nixon won, and yes while I know this quote is from 1972, it shows the attitudes of many in 68. If Humphrey had been

I Upvoted your comment for the first sentence. As for the rest of it, as long as you don't make a big production of what you don't like to show everyone how picky you are in public, I don't think its a big deal. Eat what you like and don't eat what you don't I say to all. It's your business.