Matthew Myers

They'd better hope Marvel doesn't realize when they started making Warmachine and counter sue for ripping off Marvel's fully mechanized suits.

The biggest problem with this analysis is that it's wrong.

Tyrion killed her with a gold necklace. They sell gold necklaces at Jared's. Jared's tagline is "He Went to Jared".

I love the one episode where someone tells him that he shouldn't use the word munchkin to describe little people, and he's like "Oh yeah, of course." And then just continues to call him munchkin two and a half seconds later.

Your taste in worst things sounds like the worst thing to ever have existed.

It's because they look similar. Same reason Greyworm is Baby Barack Obama, Cersei is Blonde Cher, and Danaerys is Christina Aguilera. It has nothing to do with their talent or any other characteristics. Cool your tits.

Vampire Academy and House of Cards more tolerable than Monuments Men? It's like you're not even trying.

If you're more at risk of proving yourself an idiot by using the wrong form of "they're" than of vindicating yourself through your cleverness and wit you should probably just not respond at all.

I've run two Tough Mudders and I still hate hearing people talking about it.

Wait? Is redneck a slur now? Having grown up redneck, I've never met an actual redneck that would be even mildly offended to be labeled as such.

There are some plot-related points where I disagree with your analysis, and I feel that they speak to your interpretation of the women's roles.