Matthew Murnan

Feels sooooo fucking good! Finally! Chuck gets god damn comeuppance.

I did a double of Ghost in the Shell and LIFE on Friday. Halfway through watching LIFE the power in the theater went out. I guess a person crashed into a light pole nearby the theater and died in car crash, causing the power to go out in the whole area. So a depressing existential feeling inhabited my body for quite

I don’t mind that he’s been making extreme technical ability
his main focus. It only seems logical that’s what he would focus on now that he’s
told his story through 15 years plus. Also, to act like he doesn't have any relevant
emotionally cathartic songs recently is absurd. Did this reviewer even listen
to the end of Bad

ya, I'm sure Eminem would rather be dead than still be selling Number #1 albums like MMLP2.

No. How about the authors exercise
some patience and actually wait till 2013 is over instead of releasing end of
the year lists prematurely. "what" was released on December 17th,
2013, last time I checked, that should be eligible for a 2013 year end list.

it's absolutely ludicrous that Bo Burnham's new special, "what", isn't on this list.