Matthew McGuire

Why do I feel like we just fell behind in innovative technology by several decades?

...Isn't corporate greed wonderful?

As I expected after reading the title alone. The comments are filled with rage against parents as if their sole purpose in life is to be tied to their children 24/7 x 365 days a year.

the ability to play games via a streaming services takes away from playing games? what.

I'm concerned around the phrasing of this... "Halo journey will begin." Leads me to believe that it'll be episodic (is that even a word!?). But alas, more Halo is never a bad thing!

Sam Raimi ruined Spiderman in Spiderman 3, I mean the first 2 were only decent, but the third one is horrendous. The reboot as Amazing Spiderman is leaps and bounds beyond the original Spiderman movies in my opinion.

Spidey wasn't an original Avenger.

Ouch...They are obviously trying to set up for a Sinister Six situation down the line, but i'm not so sure this is the way to go about it. However, this is just a trailer and they are meant to be packed to get attention and Marc Webb earned enough points with me from the first movie to give this one a chance.

Commenter who prefers Xbox: You suck Kotaku, stop posting biased BS! You're all just Sony fanboys.

yo but just play Payday 2 #trolln.

It almost took me longer to install Ryse than it did for me to beat it.

I feel like Deathmatch and PvP on-foot PvP gets boring really fast just because of the mechanics of the game (the extreme Auto Aim and such), I'd like to see more co-operative missions or heists, chases, so on. The most fun I have with my friends is doing the missions that resemble singleplayer missions but with

....Hacking? Umm....let me assure you, the majority of the community did cheat and it wasn't through actual hacking. All they did was grind missions when they were repeatable, then when that got fixed, they started either selling highly modified cars into LS Customs and lagging their internet entirely to sell it and

Its key not to confuse Open world with Sandbox.

We're doomed!! DOOOOOOOOOMED!!!!

On a burger yes, but it may be the second coming for unhealthy salads.

They are getting real good at appearing to be candid.

Spoilers: this week is PS4 launch week, so there will be a shitload of Sony coverage.

Amount of characters in KI1= 11

A Next-Gen fighting game for everyone... As long as they have an Xbone.