"The first one he quit because from what he was telling me you needed to donate before you could really do anything worth while, quite a bit of it was locked away."
"The first one he quit because from what he was telling me you needed to donate before you could really do anything worth while, quite a bit of it was locked away."
I haven't felt the magic of Grand Theft Auto since it peaked for me in Vice City. And I don't know where it's gone.
There is a feeling I can’t shake. The feeling that Grand Theft Auto V is a step back. That it is not the game I…
I want to know how people feel about the direction of this art style. Graphically I feel like this game is going for the similar impact the HD Wind Waker made. Windwaker was bashed TWICE, both at launch and re-release for it's art direction, but STILL ended up reminding people of a beautiful and immersive world being…
I remember using Stitch and Chicken Little a ton.
Simple and clean-looking combat.
One of the biggest failures of Microsoft's involvement in the PC space has been its treatment of gaming relative to the Xbox brand. Halo came late then stopped coming. Gears of War and Forza have never gone PC. So you'd be forgiven for assuming that Microsoft has given up entirely on the idea of gamers on a PC and…
Which is funny, cause the Gummi Ship section is the one part of the first game that was slammed by almost everyone, lol.
I too thought I was a victim of the game deleting my character. However I quickly realized that it would prompt me to create a new character only if the cloud servers were down. Even if you click retry it will bring you to character creation. Don't lose heart though! Just wait until the cloud servers are back and your…
Except he has made games outside of Megaman. And they did well. But he also understands that fans wanted another Megaman game. Also, creativity could come in the form of clever level design. It may have basic mechanics like Megaman, but creative designs could keep it fresh. How else does Nintendo keep pumping out…
Didn't you hear? The Wii U has a special Bloom Boost Mode, where the console pulls resources dedicated to the OS for maximum bloom. Nintendo Land already takes advantage of it, along with the upcoming Wind Waker HD and Mario Kart 8. It's supposed to be the most revolutionary tech since Mode 7.
Release an open world 3-D RPG with online matchmaking, voice acting, and a decent amount of Pokemon and I'll buy a WiiU. Your move Nintendo.
There's a reason we have antitrust laws...
I pretty much specifically come here to see them freaking out lol. It only happens like what... every night? XD
You mean weed doesn't make you try to cook your baby in an oven? I've been on the wrong drug this whole time!
Because its OFF TOPIC you tool.
You mean like just about every other console "sequel" ever thats not nintendo? There doesn't need to be some big gimmick or change. Things work just fine the way they are, innovation merely for the sake of innovation is worthless. Id much rather them refine what we had previously then do something new just because and…