Matthew McGuire

I don't like's coarse, rough and irritating..and it gets everywhere..

"Really, Kingdom Hearts 1.5 is kind of a dumb name, since this is a remake of Kingdom Hearts 1, not some sort of bridge between 1 and 2."

A Fox reporter that isn't biased at all?. What kind of sorcery is this?.

Dear Microsoft,

I can only imagine the shit-storm and rage if that were to happen, I don't know if Microsoft could come back from all the hate.

All I would like to remind you all is that this is Microsoft we're talking about. The goal is to get you all happy, plump, and once you already own an Xbone, to just switch the OFF switch to ON and bring back all the DRM features. It's basic 101 tactics, and gaming consumers have such short attention spans it will

How was restricting rights a loss of innovation?

Innovation? This did nothing but innovate more ways for Publishers to pad their pockets at the expense of Developers and Gamers and totally infringe on consumer rights.

Only a real sucker would pay for "innovation" with their consumer rights.

Of course I'm happy.

Great. Now all we need is…

Well then here is another one from 2011 for you. Like I said I know this happened to the 360, because I was one of the people that got their 360 bricked, and It was not modded. Microsoft replaced it for free of course, but it still happened. I am sure Sony users affected will

Ha! Hilarious, you're making yourself a very easy target with that retarded comment. First thing, Sony isn't the only ones that did this, Microsot did it twice. Second, with the PS4 you'll have the choice to update because you can be offline while the Xbox will force it. Hilarious...

At least you can take it offline so it doesn't update!

"Steam-like digital distribution model that allows for better price controls"

You can play games on steam in offline mode, you just need to go online to authorize the cd-key the first time you install the game, so you still can play even when steam is down.

Actually when you internet connection goes down there is an offline mode for steam, I'm just not sure if all games single player will still work or if it depends on the publisher.