Matthew McGuire

That would make sense, I guess we won't know till it gets released.

Really? You put rapist and killers in the same group as people who do drugs? Cause they aren't REMOTELY the same thing...

She has the thing on her pinky, I'd say it's safe to assume its his daughter still

*facepalm* it's like you have no idea what this site is about...

"Sony's ex-pitchman Kevin Butler"

and How is Halo Wars bad?

What would be the reason for the cancellation of it? A new studio getting the license? That doesn't mean it got cancelled just moved... It didn't just get canceled cause it wasn't good...actually no game gets cancelled for that reason so whats your point?

There will be no new Kotor's Bioware I believe said Swtor is Kotor 3,4,5,6.

It was wrapped up, this is a completely different story.

Oh the joys of Kinect right?....Right?

Exactly. Couldn't have said it better myself.

I know exactly how you feel then. The single player didn't feel like a full meal as you put it and your right :P

Whoa for all the RTS in the world that exist you pick Halo Wars? I love that story, cause if your like me and played other Halo games you know they all tie into something with Chief and Cortana, this was the one game that didn't do that. It actually made me care for different characters for a change. Reach started

I would if that was a XL. I don't own a 3DS yet and I want a XL and so I really hope this comes to US.

You clearly have problems reading the Off Topic tab..

One thing I'm tired of Hearing is that no DRM in games is killing AAA titles, it's not. These titles sell very well, and if CD Projekt RED can be Anti DRM and still make Blockbuster games like Witcher then I don't think Used Games and Piracy is remotely the problem. I think the problem is resources get wasted on these

" but if you think about an iPad, if you could never connect to the App Store, it becomes less functional, right?"....No you're not right Because I can download apps and not be online and guess what? THEY STILL WORK!

Looks like I'm Ready!....... to not buy it!

I don't understand why everyone's pissed off at you...You're right.

So this basically confirms that Leaked Image supposedly from E3...