Matthew McGuire

Cloud gaming is the worst shit I've heard of. Why own a game when it can be on another device somewhere over the rainbow and you can play it with the magic of the internet. I'd rather own a Hard Copy any day. I'd actually prefer if we went back to using the ever better Cartridges.

I don't understand how anyone can buy a Xbox One, with everything coming out about how Restrictive it is you'd think you people would care. Saying how certain features don't effect you so you don't care about them is stupid, Always-On and No Used Games effect's Millions of others though, you're showing Mircosoft and

The Xbox One doesn't have a Removable Hard Drive... Just poked a hole in your big with all of these Functions point... and Facebook does spy on me, so why wouldn't Xbox?

Don't let him fool you, the Armed Services don't "work" for their money, theirs people in there that do the Laziest jobs and get money (My friend is a Mail man...getting paid a lot just for that) When I had my chance to go into the Air Force I said no, cause I didn't want a Government handout, this Youkosnake

So now that YOU can afford stuff, you think EVERYONE else should too? Also they said you need a friends ACCOUNT to play those games.... I don't want my friends on my account, cause then I can't play anything...

Used Games shouldn't mean I should have to pay more for it, I have the right to resell my games why should someone have to pay more for what they bought from me? Also Trading games with Friends is a big deal for me and I can't do that without letting them have my account. Also a lot of people in my area don't have

I care about both, what does that make me? Plus I think this guy made a lot of good points the Wii U, PC, and 3DS seem to be less complicated then these next-gen consoles. Maybe by E3 these things can clear up, but for right now I 100% agree with rupokk.

I agree so much! The money these players could make is ridiculous when you look at their scholarships.

That's a pretty shallow comment.

Will I get that baby boy's hole?

I'm pretty sure the post it on here cause it's dealing with games, not cause they believe it themselves there has been plenty of articles talking about the real issues.

Holy shit! This is exactly what I wanted when I saw Skylanders! I said it be stupid for Nintendo not to do that. Now I'm happy, and I will pour money into this.

In my mind the game should have been working from the start, their servers should have been prepared for the launch before the game came out, it's like buying a MMO on the first day and not being able to log in. People would be pissed by that and people are pissed at Sim City now cause of it. EA need's to clean up

Looks like a Modern Assassin's Creed. I wouldn't say GTA cause he never got in a damn Car!

Lmao the Second Video is listening to what seems to be a Russia Version of Bleeding Love.

You do realize PS4 was rumored to do it too right?

Why are you on Kotaku? You obviously don't understand the website

You obviously don't come on this website very often...

I think he is more aggravated that they copied it and did a terrible job with it and now he has people asking him about a game he didnt make.

Did you forget the Bioshock song you guy's showed? Brentalfloss did that too.