Matthew Maldonado

Ok, I think I see what you're saying. I actually use an RSS feed in Firefox for Kotaku, so I never see the main page anyway which is why I didn't quite get it at first. I went and looked at it after seeing your response and I can see how someone could easily skip over it.

That is all.

Utterly fascinating read and the frankness is refreshing. I'm hoping that Metro Last Light garners enough commercial success to give A4 Games a not-shitty office.

That's because the government provides all of the heating through a central coal burning facility that pipes hot water to homes and offices.

Clearly the poor conditions just gave them material for the game.

Actually, it's "Sateen".

Hear hear.

There's a pair of characters in Stephen King's Dark Tower series who explain the collector mentality exceptionally well. It's never about quality or inherent value, and in fact, is often about the opposite. It's about oddities and curiosities. A first printing of a book with a misprinted title will have more

You could do that or look for the Megaman X collection for the PS2, whichever's cheaper since the PS2 controller maps nicely with the SNES controls.

I'm surprised noone posted this yet.

Welcome to Shitty Wok.
Do you want the Shitty Beef, Shitty fish, or Shitty Chicken?

Plot-wise, I thought it was better than Brave (and should have won the best animated feature Oscar). As beautiful as Brave was, I enjoyed Ralph so much more.

could you imagine a city-sized hindenburg exploding over chicago? wow

Y'know what would get me to buy a Wii U?(and I wouldn't be the only one)A new Mario Paint. The WII U Gamepad is begging for it! (also, the Mother series on Virtual console)

But ... but ... it was the first console to place the analogue sticks right...