Matthew Maldonado


If Sony and Microsoft has shown me anything, it's that the $400 I just spent on doubling the power of my computer is a damn good investment. Between my Wii U and my PC, I think I'm gonna be just fine this generation.

As someone who has spent the last two weeks desperately trying to get a game design document together, the look in that man's eyes as he says this is both terrifying and inspiring.

Prime 3 provided a good moveset for Dark Samus, and you could give her a much crueler fighting style than Samus.

I played plenty of Melee. Falco was plenty boring back then. Not much to see. Differentiate it more and then he can earn his keep.

You could scrap everyone but Mr. Game & Watch and I'd be happy. Mr. Game & Watch is my main. D8< YOU CAN'T TAKE MY MAIN AWAY.

I love Wolf. D: I just thought people loved Falco too much for him to realistically get cut. Believe me: Wolf is way, way better.

Yeah. D: He should really be way more awesome to use than he is. Even Dedede is more interesting/useful.

There's a lot less Falco love than I thought there'd be. :D I actually totally love Wolf, I just didn't think there'd be enough Falco-cutting support out there.

I actually agree, I just think people will fight harder for Falco in general. Wolf was way more interesting for me.

Snake was way more fun than Sonic, but I can definitely see them getting snipped.

Oh, right! =O Cut Wolf!

I actually like Wolf more than Falco, but I know Falco is probably too revered by the fanbase to realistically expect him to be ousted.

Cut Wolf, cut Lucas (hard call, but y'gotta keep Ness...), cut one of the Fire Emblem characters (another hard call...), cut Wolf (or Falco, unless they make Falco actually different this time around), and I can see R.O.B. getting cut, although that makes me sad.

God bless this post.

This is probably the first time I've ever been legitimately interested/excited about a Mario Kart.

"Looking for a new Pokemon to catch? Why not try WHOOPWHOOPWHOOPWHOOPWHOOPWHOOP!"

I high-five you for giving ZombiU its dues.

I think X&Y are showing the strongest designs since Gold/Silver. I haven't seen any that I dislike.

Resetti was actually an assist trophy in Brawl, and he did...that. And no damage, I think. XD