Matthew Maldonado


It's HD. But it's not -too- HD. PS4 and XBOX3 are going to be expensive as hell to buy and expensive as hell to develop for. Not sure how that's going to work out for anyone, honestly, Nintendo included.

I have a PC. But gimme this kind of game on the Wii U, because I can see it actually benefiting. Same with Watch Dogs, which is actually coming out for the console

*sips tea* We shall see.

Yep. Really bummed me out.

Yes everything all of this.

I think the PS4 and XBOX3.0 are going to be massively overpriced and too expensive for developers and consumers alike. I don't know if this generation is going to go well for -anyone-.

Come back when you know how to make jokes. I will totally laugh if you put a good one out there, I'm just saying.

Have you used a Wii U? It's hardly a hardware misstep. If I want raw power, I go to my PC. If I want badass chance-taking insane new ways to interface with games, I go to Nintendo. There are very few games on the 360 or the PS3 that I can't get on the PC, and of the two I'll actually be buying a PS3 once it hits a $99

Thank god someone noticed. I was rather alarmed when all these posts showed up, then I shook my head and was bummed out by all these people just flipping out.

This morning it's like who's that guy jumping up and down in the back saying hey hey hey this wasn't even about the Wii U, really, but I'd like to take a shot at the Wii U because I enjoy making pedantic jokes isn'tthatfunnyguysamIfunnyyetohpleasegodletmebefunnyPLEASE.

Probably feels better in the hand, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut you guys really should have invested in a touch -screen-. That touchpad is madness.

That is beautiful.

I actually expect to be doing a lot of head shaking and being bummed out. Sony's whiffed hard four times now (PSP, PS3, PSP Go, PS Vita), and it's hard to imagine them finally hitting one out of the park.

I would be on the verge of the verge of the verge of being with you, except this is the most appropriate use of GIFs they've ever had. LOOK AT THOSE SMILES.

Wii U, please.

I think more accurately they seem to only care about tech from the PSP-onward. They cram a ton of potentially cool tech into things, forcing their machines to be expensive, then kind of just half-ass the whole Put Games On It part. Not that they don't -try-, just that their efforts are usually kind of off-balance or

*long stare*

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it's irony, sarcasm, etc? Just...saying. =|

I saw that kind of thing a lot when you posted a story about the game that deals with bisexuality. It was baffling. Kinda just goes to show how emotionally-repressed males are pushed to be in society.